Naked Droid?


Nov 26, 2009
Reaction score
Newark, Ohio
I have been carrying mine in one of the Verizon cases with the slide in holster and I liked the case...hated the holster for it. So I bought a DLO leather horizontal case that it fits perfectly in.....without the case, so now it is naked when out of the holster.

My question is, is the camera OK this way when you lay it down? I take pretty good care of my stuff but that camera screen is just right there flush with the bottom of the phone. I do have a screen protector on it.
it'll be fine.

I have the full body Invisible Shield and it doesn't cover the camera. Things like that will interfere with the camera so I'm pretty sure the glass is pretty resistant to scratching and all that.
I was just worried cause the camera lens is flush with the phone.

I just want my Droid to be happy:)
Im assuming they used the same glass to cover the camera as they did on the screen so it would be pretty hard to crack/scratch it.

Wagner :motdroidvert:
Ought to be fine, but if you have doubts get it a full sleeve or a body glove.
if you look close, when you lay the droid down, the camera wont touch the surface of what you're laying it on. The edges of the phone pop out a little bit
I have gone through several screen protectors and haven't been happy with any of them. About a week ago, I just took everything off. No matter how invisible the protector is, it still affects the display. Completely naked, the quality really comes through. It's as if my phone was new again.

Adding any kind of cover to the camera would definitely degrade the quality of your pictures. And we all know that's the last thing we want to do with an already disappointing camera.

The way I look at it, in 10 months who knows what phones Verizon will get; Droid 2, a Moto without physical keyboard, iPhone maybe (if you're into 4year old technology :icon_ devil: ). So all the screen protector does is retain the eBay resale value... :), but you don't get to enjoy your phone as much.