Name a game you've never finished, but still play...


Silver Member
Nov 4, 2009
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I've had my Wii since around the time it was released. The first game I bought for it was The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess and I STILL haven't finished it. I usually have to spend a good day of just figuring out where I left off in the stupid game.

However, I just can't commit myself to finish a single Grand Theft Auto game. I guess it's because there's SO much to do in side missions that i just get bored and decide to go kill some people or see how many cars i can blow up. At least with GTA: IV, people continually bug you to do something, so that kind of keeps me focused. Kind of.

I recently downloaded and installed DOSBox because I have a $10 Babbages game that a friend and I committed 13 hrs of non-stop game time to try and beat the stupid thing. We never could figure it out and it's been in the back of my head since.
Pshhh Fallout three. do you know how MASSIVE that game is?! Ive dibe all side missons and EVERYTHING exept for one expantion pack.. If your gonna attempt that game you better be really bored and save about a months worth of time lmao.
For anyone who's been a geek for long enough, Angband/Nethack is a very likely answer.
For anyone who's been a geek for long enough, Angband/Nethack is a very likely answer.
Played and finished Rogue, several times, which was like the grandfather to NetHack. That game was great.
i finished fallout3. that game did take forever. gta iv was a different story. i got to a little over half complete, and i decided to do a little spring cleaning on my ps3, and i deleted the wrong user name. now every time i log on to play multiplayer, im greeted with the very first mission, "cousins bellic". how depressing.
i finished fallout3. that game did take forever. gta iv was a different story. i got to a little over half complete, and i decided to do a little spring cleaning on my ps3, and i deleted the wrong user name. now every time i log on to play multiplayer, im greeted with the very first mission, "cousins bellic". how depressing.
god, nothing worse than starting over with that game. it's hard enough to pick up a new one, just to start from the beginning.

i refuse to pick up San Andreas again, just because of having to do all of those tags before you can really play the game.
god, nothing worse than starting over with that game. it's hard enough to pick up a new one, just to start from the beginning.

i refuse to pick up San Andreas again, just because of having to do all of those tags before you can really play the game.

dont i know it. once i thought about starting over, but just the thought of all those taxi-type missions drove me away from that idea. "drive me here", "pick up so and so"... um, no. instead, i call up a buddy of mine, tell him to get online, and we grab helicopters and sit on rooftops with rocket launchers until were 5 or six star, then steal a swat van and take off. that never gets old :icon_ devil:

speaking of, has anyone else noticed the multiplayer glitch where once you get out of a helicopter, you automatically are fully stocked with rocket launchers?
god, nothing worse than starting over with that game. it's hard enough to pick up a new one, just to start from the beginning.

i refuse to pick up San Andreas again, just because of having to do all of those tags before you can really play the game.

dont i know it. once i thought about starting over, but just the thought of all those taxi-type missions drove me away from that idea. "drive me here", "pick up so and so"... um, no. instead, i call up a buddy of mine, tell him to get online, and we grab helicopters and sit on rooftops with rocket launchers until were 5 or six star, then steal a swat van and take off. that never gets old :icon_ devil:

speaking of, has anyone else noticed the multiplayer glitch where once you get out of a helicopter, you automatically are fully stocked with rocket launchers?
haven't seen that one. have you seen the swing set glitch?
no, whats the swing set glitch?
[video=youtube;kN58iDVmL6Y]]YouTube - GTA 4 Swing Set Glitches[/video]
Gosh, I don't think I've turned my 360 or Wii on since I got my droid. Between that and newly installed Windows 7 64bit/2 additional gigs of ram/new Canon all in one printer, I've really not had the time. Not to mention this forum, work and all my honeydos.
Maybe I'll fire it up this evening maybe play a little Splinter Cell which I've been stuck trying to find the captain of the dam boat.
Home Run Battle 3D. I don't think there is a way to "complete" it.
no, whats the swing set glitch?
[video=youtube;kN58iDVmL6Y]"]YouTube - GTA 4 Swing Set Glitches[/video]
I've been playing games since the first Atari came out in the late 1970s. However, I'm not a huge gamer over the years. My son and I got hooked on Halo 2, and I must say at one time I was pretty good at it (Swords on Beaver Creek) or capture the flag. Mostly I'm into sports games like hockey and NFL games. I also enjoy the Tiger Woods games and I still need to finish the current Tiger game. In fact maybe I'll work on it today since I'm off work sick. I'm definitely not a GTA fan of any of the games, but this glitch had me laughing my (insert word) off this morning. Do you think it is a glitch or does the developer just have a sense of humor?
I've been playing games since the first Atari came out in the late 1970s. However, I'm not a huge gamer over the years. My son and I got hooked on Halo 2, and I must say at one time I was pretty good at it (Swords on Beaver Creek) or capture the flag. Mostly I'm into sports games like hockey and NFL games. I also enjoy the Tiger Woods games and I still need to finish the current Tiger game. In fact maybe I'll work on it today since I'm off work sick. I'm definitely not a GTA fan of any of the games, but this glitch had me laughing my (insert word) off this morning. Do you think it is a glitch or does the developer just have a sense of humor?

love nhl and baseball and some golf games. never been a fan of football, basketball or especially soccer. it's never been a problem finishing those games, except for any of Tiger's games. too many accomplishments, for what? and woods 08 or whatever it was, that made you start in the dark ages with sticks and rocks was aggrevating as hell.

as for GTA, i never got into first person shooters. third person shooters and RPGs have always been my favorite. when i discovered GTA III and the open world, i was instantly hooked. my #1 complaint when playing a game is having to stick to the story line.

as for the "glitch", no one really knows. but if you watch the behavior of the swing set, it has alot to do with the dynamics of the interactions of surfaces. the swing chains break really east, the poles like to bend all while trying to stay in the "reality" of the environment. i'd call it an official glitch, since there is so little that exists and so much going on with it (as opposed to a car, that's a giant block).

the swing sets really spaz out and can cause some serious damage to you or your vehicle. it's quite entertaining. plus teh AI in the game makes it worth the trouble.