Need one on one help with your new bionic


Regular Member
Rescue Squad
Dec 23, 2009
Reaction score
We do all we can to provide help to all our members. But if you have an issue that requires that one on one help that we provide here with the rescue squad please see here: Droid Bionic Support
I need help.. i got a replacement bionic and it was already on 905. I rooted as soon as i got it. Ive tried everything to get the ics leak and cant do it... any advice? Since it came on 905 i thougjt it would be easy.. please help..
I just need help with 1 thing thus far. I just got my ICS update OTA. I re-rooted and got everything in working order as much as possible, but there is 1 annoying thing that I cannot figure out yet. When I was on Gingerbread, I could switch from 3G to 4G in the settings. In ICS 4.0.4 it does not give you that option. When you go to Mobile Networks and hit Network type and strength, it only shows you how strong the signal is. It will downgrade to 3G, if that is the only option in the area, but in my house I use Verizon's house amplifier and that saturates my entire home with cell phone signal goodness. If 4G is there it overrides that and I get dropped calls. So anything will be appreciated.