Netflix Working!

most ppl are sideloading the apk from wont be in your market unless you do a build.prop edit, but really no need for that since you can just sideload.

Please explain..... not sure how to do this.
Got the app but it is not supported on my DX. Netflix Really!:icon_evil:
Got it working on my htc desire (cdma) running 3.3.0 I've been wanting this app for over a year now :icon_ banana: i love this forum :icon_ peace:
xda-developers - View Single Post - [APP]Official Netflix (new device check disabled)

This is where I got it, enable third party apps installation and use a file manager to open it and it will ask if you want to install. The first time I opened it it took a few minutes to load the login screen. I got this link from another post.

Awesome! It took me a few tries to get netflix working, I had gone in and changed my build.prop file, and still no luck. This here apk solved my problems real fast. Thanks a million :clap:
did the netflix app stop working for anyone else?? now all i get is that there is an upgrade that i have to download for it to work :icon_evil:

edit: nevermind, there is a new apk to install
Well, I know I'm about a month late, but I tried all of the above apk's on my transformer (running 3.1) yesterday, but to no avail. Did something change over the last month, or am I just unlucky? I still get the "an update is available" notification (which I cancel), and I can see and navigate the netflix interface for my account just fine, but when I try to play a video, I get the "cannot connect to the netflix service" notification. Happens every time. Anyone know what might be going on, or something I'm missing?
its avalible on the market now. they made it compatible with the d1 so use the market version
its avalible on the market now. they made it compatible with the d1 so use the market version

How/where would I acquire that version? Is that version generally-available on the market? If I do a search with my TF, the netflix app doesn't show up.