
New Member
Dec 9, 2010
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When I bought my phone last night the lady who sold it to me told me that i could stream netflix to it and use the $30 hdmi cable she got me to buy as well to plug it into my tv and watch streaming netflix from my phone to my tv. i cant seem to find this app anywhere and have no idea how to do it. any help?
As far as I know there is no Netflix app, have you tried going to their website and viewing it there? Not sure if that works

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i did and it only said iphone ipod ipad and windows phone. im really confused because that is the only reason i got this phone over a different one.
I haven't been able to use Netflix on my dx. You sir have been fooled sorry

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I'm pretty sure their making one though, I've read articles online looking for this and I know they were at some time looking for someone to work on a droid app for netflix, and I read that article probably 3 months ago, I'm sure they'll have an app within the next few months or so

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They are working on a netflix app for android, but have already stated they aren't sure which exact phones they will release it for. Although, I don't see them not releasing it for the X.

Even so, you will have to root your phone and use a third-party app to view netflix on a tv through the hdmi port.

Sorry but you were lied to.

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When I bought my phone last night the lady who sold it to me told me that i could stream netflix to it and use the $30 hdmi cable she got me to buy as well to plug it into my tv and watch streaming netflix from my phone to my tv. i cant seem to find this app anywhere and have no idea how to do it. any help?

It never fails - they will tell you anything that sounds good.

When i was shopping for my docking station I heard a salesperson telling someone that they could hook the HDMI up to the TV and stream Hulu. He was going on and on about all the things you could do with the HDMI cable. He said that soon Skype would allow for face to face conversations and it would stream up to an HD TV with the use of the HDMI cable...

I was pretty blown away. Of course, this all sounds really feasible so the person didn't question any of it.

I wonder if that guy bought the phone because of all that HDMI talk.

Sometimes I question if I should say something when I hear bad information being passed on like that. It feels rude but at the same time I don't want someone to buy something they think has a built in laser beam... :)

Anyway, the person admitted they didn't have a TV with an HDMI port. So even if he bought the phone I doubt he would have ever realized that he had been fed bad information.

I guess the lesson here is that you should always do your research. There are not a lot of high dollar items you should ever buy (especially electronics) without doing some research first.

PS: $30 is WAY too much to spend on a cable...

I wouldn't say you got scammed but you most certainly got mis-informed.
Last edited: is good for cables that's where I got mine

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I believe the legal term to use here is puffery:
Puffery as a legal term refers to promotional statements and claims that express subjective rather than objective views, such that no reasonable person would take them literally.[1] Puffery serves to "puff up" an exaggerated image of what is being described and is especially featured in testimonials.

I believe this is so until netflix does become a reality along with having the full capabilities of the HDMI portion uploadable to HDMI TV
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I believe the legal term to use here is puffery:
Puffery as a legal term refers to promotional statements and claims that express subjective rather than objective views, such that no reasonable person would take them literally.[1] Puffery serves to "puff up" an exaggerated image of what is being described and is especially featured in testimonials.

I believe this is so until netflix does become a reality along with having the full capabilities of the HDMI portion uploadable to HDMI TV

Probably not - More likely just an un-informed CSA.
Has there been a nee netflix released that works?

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