New Blur Widgets and Blackbarmod

Dude, I bet with the Blur home and all those Blur widgets on there it took like 15 minutes to get the screen caps. But seriously, though, looking HOT! You should get them on Incognito Blurred.

overclocked to 1.3. no lag what so ever. just like a normal Aosp rom to me!!!
I actually really like Blurry also but have been caught up with Focused recently. I may need to give it a try again to see your widgets =)
Great work Bgill almost makes me want to run blurry!

Since I work closely with M I hate when they take a fantastic product and make a few changes. It especially irritates me when they add extra cards to a product and re-badge it with the bat wings to call their own. 9 times out of 10 it adds a whole new realm of problems for me.

Enough of my work rant awesome job!
Lol thanks Skurtz1313. I think rob finished facebook and twitter can you make a patch for them

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Is this going to be a stand alone theme or are you going to incorporate these widgets into your other incognito? Awesome work.
Is this going to be a stand alone theme or are you going to incorporate these widgets into your other incognito? Awesome work.

I am in the process of making a full Incognito Theme with this incorporated in!
Could I install this on ym Droid 1? Making a backup in recovery just in case I cant..
Could I install this on ym Droid 1? Making a backup in recovery just in case I cant..

No for the dx only

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Rock on with the blur! One thing I noticed if you try to attach an image or anything at all to an email in the" email" app, the selectors for with gallery, files, etc...... are white on white text... can't read them until the highlight red from touch.

Only thing left is to decide if I want ADW or keep the standard blur launcher...... to many choices......

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Rock on with the blur! One thing I noticed if you try to attach an image or anything at all to an email in the" email" app, the selectors for with gallery, files, etc...... are white on white text... can't read them until the highlight red from touch.

Only thing left is to decide if I want ADW or keep the standard blur launcher...... to many choices......

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Thanks For the Heads up ill look into it!!!
Running this on my newly loaded Rubix Blurry 1.0. Thanks for the great work, big fan of the theme. :)

Whats the clock/weather widget with the moon in the first screenshot?? Almost looks like Beautiful Widgets, but I've never seen that skin...
Whats the clock/weather widget with the moon in the first screenshot?? Almost looks like Beautiful Widgets, but I've never seen that skin...

you are correct its BW
I'm not 100% sure if this theme caused an issue for me but I don't have google calender sync anymore.. I definitely had calender sync when I was running stock rubiX blurry 1.0.

I installed this over rubiX blurry 1.0. Everything else works fine except for my calender. Google talk and gmail sync up perfectly fine. Anyone else having this issue after installing this?

When I go into settings->accounts->google account I have:
Sync Contacts
Sync Gmail
and instead of Sync Calender, Im showing: sync