Bo Alley

New Member
Dec 14, 2009
Reaction score
WEll, its a little over a month old, and was working perfectly. Yesterday the screen orientiation feature started flipping back and forth a bit. Then today, the camera feature would not work until I did a power reset.

Then just a few minutes ago (phone had been sitting on my desk) I picked it up and it would not come out of sleep mode, or turn on? Removed the battery, replaced it but still nothing.

Lastly plugged into the charger and still nothing? I think there were a couple of times when the back (battery side) felt warm, but did not think anything of it and no unusual recharging issues...

Oh well, back to verizon.

Regards, Bo
Went in to the local store and get the phone replaced and all they could do was a refurbished unit? Well, the product is just not that old, what do you think? Can I get a new unit?
Went in to the local store and get the phone replaced and all they could do was a refurbished unit? Well, the product is just not that old, what do you think?

Anyway, called and they said after the intitial 30 days (return period) any replacements are refurbished units, no exceptions.
I got no idea what happen to your phone. but be sure to let us know the end result.
Sorry to hear about this Bo....Did you have a ton of apps installed or just the basic ones? Just curious.:motdroidhoriz:
Went in to the local store and get the phone replaced and all they could do was a refurbished unit? Well, the product is just not that old, what do you think? Can I get a new unit?

If it's under 30 days. Exchange the whole unit. If it's over 30 days. It's a refurb for you :)
Bo, if its any consolation, many people consider refurbs to be superior. Reason being, they go through tons of quality checks before getting to a customers hands. That's not my opinion, it's fact.
Good luck with your new phone.

Thanks for the replys and yes, the 30 day rule stands fast. With regards to refurbs, I'll find out tonight but do agree, lots of QC.. Decided to have one shipped rather than getting it from the local store. Customer service was simply better on the phone.

Late for now
This same thing just happened to me. I was using it upto 5 mins before it happened. I left it on my desk and picked it up dead. took the battery out put it back in didn't power up. When I get home I'll plug in and see what happens. other trip to VZ store.
Love VZW customer service!!!!

They swapped my phone out this past weekend, and were great to deal with the whole time.

BTW...while the phones they are giving out right now are classified as "refurb"... I was talking with the lead tech at the local store, and he told me that you are more likely than not to get a new phone rather than a refurb in that little white box, as the droid is too new for a lot of refurbs to be available yet. Aside from that, it can take several weeks for a phone to make it through from the store it was returned the svc ctr...through the reconditioning and testing process...and then back to packaging and distribution...before it can ship back to a store (not to mention all the waiting it will do at each stage).

My "refurb" has a build date of 49/09...just a little over 4 weeks ago.
doesnt motorola offer a 1 year warranty on this phone ? why not just file a warranty claim with them ? 30 days is bs for hardware....just not acceptable.
doesnt motorola offer a 1 year warranty on this phone ? why not just file a warranty claim with them ? 30 days is bs for hardware....just not acceptable.

The 30 days is an exchange period offered by Verizon. The one year warranty kicks in after (and including) the 30 days. Whether or not you get a refurb is up to the manufacturers discretion.

I've seen many people however return refurbs until they finally got a new one. Myself I think refurb is just as good as new if not better, but that's highly debatable.
RE: Replacement, things just got a bit more confusing

The refurb came yesterday, white box, no battery or rear cover. Got the original out and decided to plug into the wall charger again and see what happened after almost a week?

Definitely not expected but the Droid came alive which it did not do last week? Ive heard of very sensitive 'power on reset' circuitry. Even had a HP digital camera that would go dead when the NiCads dropped a few hundred millivolts.

But this real strange. Now original appears to work? BTW only had 6 or so Apps and they all work. Also none of the previous events are happening, e.g., strange screen orientiation changes, no camera function and no hot battery?

Have 10 days before the phone has to be returned so I guess will wait and see what happens again with the original? All I can say now is, if your phone dies, and does not appear to take a charge, wait a while (no one wants to wait days) and see if it accepts a re-charge? Maybe the electronics has some embedded protection function and if I had tried it only hours later it might have come back up?

Still that does not explain why the thing died so fast in the first place, e.g, warm battery = lot of current draw?
