New Market


Super Moderator/RS
Premium Member
Jan 15, 2010
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South FL
Check out this video of the new market that is rumored to be available tomorrow[video=youtube;o8unC9bA4O8]"][/video]
I thought it was AWESOME. I really liked the comment on how other phones require you to download, tether, then load the app!

holy smokes!! i can't really describe how cool this looks without using expletives. OTA sync of music library?! dl apps from pc and automatically install to phone?! 2011 is going to be off the hook for Andy!
now this is going to be pretty cool might i say for for....being able to search apps form a pc will be much better and to be able to just download from there yea can't wait hope it does launch real soon
Would be awesome if it were available tomorrow.

Appbrain already does the push feature with apps, but it would be nice to have something more reliable.
The online marketplace is up and running. I downloaded some games last night, was pretty cool my phone was in the other room, I clicked download and went to check and sure enough there was Zuma. I haven't found the music area yet though, maybe it's not up yet. When I signed in it showed every app I've downloaded. It's so much nicer browsing the market on the pc then on the phone.
Yaaaaayyyyy!!! This is going to be so cool! I'm excited!dancedroid