Newest Update for the HTC Thunderbolt Coming; Still Not Ice Cream Sandwich


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

If you are the type to look at the bright side of things, then you might see this next bit of news as just further proof that HTC doesn't want their earlier work to go to waste... Otherwise, you might be frustrated to find out that there is a new update set to roll out soon for the HTC Thunderbolt, but it still does not include Ice Cream Sandwich. This new update is basically the same as one that was leaked a few weeks ago. Still, it has some bug fixes and feature enhancements, so it is definitely better than nothing.

The newest update is version 2.11.605.19 710RD, and it will supposedly be rolling out fairly soon. The update primarily fixes issues with data connectivity, Yahoo! Mail, and Mobile Hotspot amongst a few other things.

Source: VZW
I've had the new update for the past week or two, haven't noticed much of a difference. Part of me is hoping this brings some sort of fix to allow the TB to accept ICS in the near future.
How long has it been since the Thunderbolt was on the news page? Yeah, the Bolt aint getting ICS before the Bionic and Razr. I think users here would throw a fit if that happened. All we want is an ICS leak so that we can use the current ICS roms that have been put out with data that can't work.

Charge and TBolt users have really gotten shafted for adopting 4G early.
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How long has it been since the Thunderbolt was on the news page? Yeah, the Bolt aint getting ICS before the Bionic and Razr. I think users here would throw a fit if that happened. All we want is an ICS leak so that we can use the current ICS roms that have been put out with data that can't work.

Charge and TBolt users have really gotten shafted for adopting 4G early.

i somewhat agree with this statement other than the fact that .. very few phones have received ICS officially. this phone was pushed out too early .. the biggest draw back is battery life I like my tbolt other than battery life. i have not updated my phone to this and i wont . running liquid AOSP now and loving it .., flawless good battery life on 3g ( 16 hours mod usage ) typical bad battery life on 4g ( 6-8 hours moderate usage). rezound user defiantly get it first .
I haven't notice anything diffrent anyone else notice anything diffrent
I was pushed this morning and was hoping it was ICS. Then I read this thread. :r_c: