No 3G can't send picture text


New Member
Mar 24, 2010
Reaction score
I have a Motorola Droid 1, version 2.2 Build FRG22D and I'm a PagePlus customer using their 1200 minutes, 1200 text with 50MB of data. Last month one of my apps ate up my data and at that point I couldn't send picture text but talking and plain texting continued to work fine. I also noticed the 3G icon was gone. I was a couple days away from renewing so it was no big deal. It has been a little over a week since I renewed, I have a fresh 50MB of data but still don't see the 3G icon and still can't send picture text.

I have tried re-booting, no luck. I put the phone in Airport mode, pulled the battery for a minute, put it back in, re-booted and still no luck. No 3G icon, just see the bars for my signal strength.

I have contacted PagePlus and they are not blocking me from using data or sending picture text. They also weren't shy about letting me know they don't support the Driod and will not answer any questions I have on it.

Looking for suggestions to fix this.
Thanks, Dean