No audio. Cannot hear except when on speakerphone or bluetooth.


New Member
Jul 24, 2011
Reaction score
Well it looks the 'life' of the VZW Motorola Droid 3 is about 1.5 years. This "No audio. Cannot hear except when on speakerphone or bluetooth." problem was intermittent now permanent. Caller can hear me, but I can not hear them when talking on phone.

VZW wants to do a hard reset, but I am a little skeptical and have all my media and apps on the phone. (no SD card). Any suggestions? Really another question is should I wait for Galaxy S4 or get the Note 2 or S3 now. Was never a fan of Motorola and this adds to it. Phone should last longer than this.

Thanks in advance!

p.s.- I see Blackberry is back. Thought they were done for. Sticking with DROID!