No idea what I'm doing please help


New Member
Dec 31, 2010
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I got a used droid x from my cousin and I like his settings and his apps. Also he had it rooted which I think I prefer. But to delete his google account I have to reset & lose everything.i did this once & didn't like how out was and couldn't get it back to how he had it. So ended up restoring, which made me lose my account & his is back. PHRASE IS THERE ANYWAY I CAN KEEP THE SETTINGS & APPS WITH MY OWN ACCOUNT ???? I am new to smart phones & am semi clueless. Thank you:)

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Short answer.... no...

You need to set it up with your Gmail and then download the apps yourself. Anything that he had that was free you can also getfor free from the market. If any of the apps were paid apps you will need to create your own Google check out account to buy them.

So actually yes you can get it to be the same but you will have to get everything to make it happen.

Good luck and enjoy your X.

Transmitted from my Droid X using tapatalk.... AOSP Liberty ROM.....
If I have to explain you probably wouldn't understand anyway......
twitter: Getsome_122
You might have to do a hard reset to get your account logged on there and then have him wall you through the process he used to get his setup.

Make a note of which settings in particular you were fond of.

Have the fun in using a rooted phone is finding your own settings that you like and customizing the hell out of it.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
Thank you for your replies:) They are truly appreciated. Glad I found this forum...well actually, it was already on this phone. But definitely will add it again. Although I hopefully won't be under this name soon, lol. But I did have one more question, WILL MY PHONE STAY ROOTED AFTER A FACTORY RESET?? Or will I have to figure that out myself? And if so, what website is used & trusted most often? Thanks again:)

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You will still have root

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