No repeating sound notifications? Excuse me?


New Member
Apr 27, 2013
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My old "STUPID" flip-phone was very good in notifying me when I missed a call, or a text-message. It would beep every minute or so.

This "SMART" phone is only notifying me once. If I missed this ONE ORIGINAL AUDIBLE notification, it won't be reminding me again. Motorola says I can't set my phone to repeatedly notifying me, but I can purchase an app... I find this unbelievable, after all this is a SMART phone, no? Maybe not as smart as it claims to be?

I refuse to spend money on such BASIC feature. Is there a FREE APP FOR A REPEATING SOUND NOTIFICATION?

Thanks, Zomno, I actually DL "GO SMS Pro" prior to reading your post, but this one, Missed Call Reminder is a LOT better, does the job, simple and clean, w/o all the playful bells and whistles that GSMSP was shoving down my throat (I deleted it 5 minutes after installing it and going thru all its settings).....

Still, it's really disappointing (and almost shocking) that such a basic feature is not offered as part of the basics by Android.... Especially when my old flip phone was doing it by default....
The notification light flashes. I mean why would you want to be bothered with a sound all the time?
The notification light flashes. I mean why would you want to be bothered with a sound all the time?

...Because I elect so.... Do you keep your phone in front of your eyes, staring at it all day?... I keep my phone is in my pocket, or on the desk, away from me, or on the night stand next to my bed. When a friend or family member is texting me, they're expecting me to read and respond right away. I don't get text messages frequent enough to be bothering me.
It will also .....vibrate :) . Mine is in my pocket most of the time. It vibrates, I look at it. I'm sure there are apps that will do what you want. Open the Play Store and do a search for "notifications" or things like that. [Redacted by staff. Please remain courteous to one another.]

Try "Ringtone Sound Effects" and see if that does what you want. They list "looping sounds".
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You missed my earlier posts here (there aren't too many...). I did create this very thread, asking, and I did get some advice and I resolve it before you posted your first post here, it's called Missed Call Reminder which does the job...

I still think a "SMART" phone is supposed to have this feature as part of its operating system, this is basic (my older flip phone had that feature!), one doesn't have to search and D/L an app for that... Lucky I didn't have to PAY for it....
Well, please post about a fix when it happens [redacted by staff] to HELP OTHERS. [Redacted]
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I'm not sure I understand you.... I posted a question, I was complaining about my phone sounding only once when I missed a call, or a text message. I was asking what app I should get to enable repeated audible notification, a feature I consider a very basic to anybody using a cell phone. Zomnomnombie was here to assist, offering a solution. I D/L the app he suggested, I found it useful, and I came back here thanking for his advice.

I think that concluded the discussion, I resolved the issue, though I made a comment that I'd expect a "smart" phone to offer a feature that was a default in all my old flip phones.

[Redacted by staff]
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Did you ever find an app????
I went from a samsung to a huawei ascend mate 2 love the phone !!!!!!
The samsung had it I go in and out of my office all day hate the blinking light forget about it since I am use to the noise also the noise use to tell me what it was without looking text,email,app notification etc...

Now I'm sad
Did you ever find an app????
I went from a samsung to a huawei ascend mate 2 love the phone !!!!!!
The samsung had it I go in and out of my office all day hate the blinking light forget about it since I am use to the noise also the noise use to tell me what it was without looking text,email,app notification etc...

Now I'm sad
Welcome to the forum!

This app was found as a solution to the Original Poster's issue:
Missed Call Reminder - Android Apps on Google Play
You can do this with my app eNotify. The repeat options for email (or SMS) are:

Repeat Interval:
Every minute
Every two minutes
Every five minutes
Every 10 minutes
Every 15 minutes
Every 30 minutes
Every Hour

Repeat Count:
Until I Cancel

It works with any type of email: IMAP, POP3, Exchange, ...

Beyond repeating email notifications, it supports virtually any filtering scenario imaginable. If there is anything that you need that it doesn't support please let me know:

eNotify Lite Alerts - Android Apps on Google Play
