no sound in navigation


New Member
Dec 21, 2010
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When I try to use the turn-by-turn navigation in "Maps" there is no sound. I've turned the volume up all the way, but can never get any sound to hear the turn-by-turn directions. I just doesn't work. My husband's phone works perfectly and we don't see any differences between the two. I've rebooted and it didn't help. I'd really like to use the navigation, but it's useless if I have to keep looking at my phone to see the directions.
After using the map without navigating to a specific location, the next time I navigate to a specific location, I have to unmute to get the spoken directions. Press the Menu button and select Unmute.
Had the same problem myself with my d2 the other day. Plugged it into my jack in my cars sound system and no directions. Checked volume on the phone and it was way down. Turned it up, everything was fine.
I tried again today on the way home. The navigation volume was NOT muted. I muted it and unmuted it to be sure. The volume was all the way up. The navigation itself worked as I could see the map moving with the arrows and turns. There's just no sound, which makes it useless to me. I don't want to keep looking at my phone to see what's coming up. Any other suggestions?
I had the same issue, but just resolved it.

My HTC Thunderbolt would not give me turn by turn audio either.
I went to the market and searched for Google maps, the store told me it was already installed so I ran it from there. Once it launched, I selected "Directions", put in a location and then hit the navigation button in the upper right corner. I now have audio in navigation...
For some reason, using Google maps from the navigation app did not kick in the audio for me.
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