Note 4 Bezel Scuff Removing Compound


Silver Member
Apr 19, 2010
Reaction score
Staten Island, NY
I have been using this for jewelry for years now and it has worked wonders, it looks like it also works wonders for the sensitive to markings bezel on the Note 4, just dab a little on the provided sponge, then use some elbow grease and buff away the scuffs "not deep dings", then use some soft toilet paper or tissue to clean off the excess, job well done. The 2 ounce will last you a long long time.

Polish Any Metal Remove Scratches From Jewelry Watches Silverware
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Even having kept my Note 4 in a case for most of its time with me, it's got several little blemishes on the silver part of the bezel. This seems like a decent idea, so I'll keep it in mind.
Ollie, we are talking about the crome bezel that is prone to scuffs, which the skinomi does not cover.
I find just leaving the case on takes care of the issue and I don't have to spend any more. Haha!

But, I'm on the Edge plan, so if I were to go to trade it in and/or finished paying it off and went to sell it on ebay/etc, I'd definitely polish it up.

I'm not a jewelry wearer really, with the exception of my g watch, so I don't have need for even a 2oz container of polish, though the fiance might make good use of it.
I haven't tried it yet, but Flitz is an amazing metal, plastic, etc polish. Works great on jewelry, knives, etc.

[Update]: I tried it on a small area behind the usb port that is slightly scratched from inserting the Note 4 into a dock stand. The Flitz works well. It reduced the scratches without marring any of the remaining metal band and puts a nice shine to the area. Flitz is great stuff. I've been using it for years.
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