Notification led

Mar 13, 2011
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So I just flashed apex (yesterday) and my notification light isn't working for anything. Can anyone help me? Please and thank you:)
My LED has stopped working as well, but I doubt it has something to do with APEX. Were you using CM7 before apex? That's when mine went out.
Actually I lied... haha i drained my battery down to 15% and when the warning popped up it flashed red, and for emails it flashes white
.. that's the only thing I see work. But I was on liberty gb before this and it worked fine for everything
Thanks for the recommendation! It works great. Just the fix I needed, is that what you use?
yeah i have always used lightflow :D too, so I wouldn't even know what led notifications in GB are "supposed" to be :/
Haha most notifications are controlled by the individual apps but like they still wouldn't work when I did test notifications in handcent. But this app like overrides everything and works good. I might buy the paid version if its worth it? Do you have paid version?