

New Member
Nov 27, 2011
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I love my phone but I am always having problems with my notifications... sometimes the LED light will just blink when it wants to and when I'm chatting on facebook I won't get the message until 15 minutes later.... please help.... :/

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What color is the led notification? Do you have auto sync set up for your facebook account? Do you have a battery manager set up to sync at a timed interval?
Its green and I have my news feed to reset every hour that's all I know of and when I go to my settings on my face book I can only turn on my notifications to receive messages, friend requests, and events but not the actual "notifications" including comments or wall posts...

Sent from my DROID2 GLOBAL using DroidForums
Try this, settings>accounts&sync> make sure auto-sync is on and background data is on. Then add account and add your FB account and turn sync on. Hope this helps your FB issue. The green led notification is an all purpose notification so I am not sure what could be causing the problem.
Disclaimer: auto-syncing will hurt battery life but you should be ok.