Oculus Rift Debuts at CES Yesterday and is Available for Preorder at $599


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

One of the hottest new products to get unveiled during CES this year is the Oculus Rift. The Virtual Reality headset has had a storied development history, but has always been at the forefront of the technology compared to other competitors like the Samsung Gear VR and the Google Cardboard devices.

Because of its development pedigree (including Founder Palmer Luckey, John Carmack - who developed some software for it, and the new owner of the company Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook fame), expectations are running high for the device. Perhaps unsurprisingly, when they launched it yesterday, the price is a bit higher than folks originally expected. The buzz for a while on the price ranged from $350 to $1500. The reality sits in the middle but is closer to the cheaper price, as the final retail for the Oculus Rift ended up at $599.

Keep in mind that the VR headset also comes with a remote, an Xbox One controller (compatible with PC) and two games: EVE Valkyrie and Lucky’s Tale, so the price is relatively decent considering the cutting edge nature of the "super-premium" hardware. You can already preorder the Oculus Rift, and it has an estimated “March 2016" ship date.

Here's the link for folks who want to be early adopters: Oculus -- Shop
In your opinion, dgstorm. :) (one of the hottest products)...
You didn't mention you also need a pretty powerful PC to run it. It also does not include the Touch Controller due out later this year. All told this is going to be a $1,000 device not counting the PC you need to run it. My 3 year old gaming laptop might run it... on LOW. :( :(

In my opinion the HOT products are:
The Parrot Disco Drone:
CES 2016 - A new drone: Parrot DISCO - Parrot news

The Temperature Controlled shoes:
You can control the temperature in these 'smart' shoes

4th one on the list here is what I want. The most mind numbing chore I hate at my house is folding laundry:
CES 2016 highlights: This creepy robot watches you sleep

:D :D
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For thath price, its too high. I think the price is there because its first and new. Give it a year, it'll come down and I'm still interested in HTCs Vive headset. Gotta wait til the price is announced. $600 is just too much IMO with very little game support ready.
Very cool technology and something I'd like to play around with, but the price is still too high for just a "toy".
Very cool technology and something I'd like to play around with, but the price is still too high for just a "toy".
I agree. Take off a couple hundred and I'd consider one.
In you opinion, dgstorm. :) (one of the hottest products)...
It wasn't really my opinion @PereDroid. I was basing the assertion on how much industry and media buzz has been generated by the announcement. Also, the Oculus Rift is definitely one of the biggest product announcements of the show. It might not be what tickles your fancy, but that doesn't mean it isn't "one of the hottest new products..."

I completely concur with most of the opinions that the price is perhaps too high right now; however, to play devil's advocate, here's an interesting article on Polygon that contradicts my opinion: This is why people will pay $1,500 for an Oculus Rift and the PC to run it

BTW... you forgot the "r" in the word "your." ;)
I was afraid you'd take that the wrong way. Love ya' brother. Not slamming ya'.
But I still disagree. As a tech newshound myself, the Rift has been in the news.... for MONTHS recently. Every damn week there were at least 2 or 3 new articles about it. Everything including release date had been released before CES. The ONLY news out of CES was really the price. And yea, there's a lot of chatter ABOUT the price, but like I said, since just about EVERYTHING else was known.... I don't really consider that BIG news.

Do a Google News Search of simply: CES 2016. Rift doesn't even headline on page 1.
So yea, buddy, Sticking to my opinion that it's your opinion. :p :p
(Really just giving you... er... stuff. That's what I do to my friends. ;) )

BTW... you forgot the "r" in the word "your." ;)

Okeedokee... let's play. ;)

First, I didn't take it the wrong way. You made an argument/assertion which disagreed with mine. If you are going to call me out, then I will share my logic with a counter argument. That's what a forum discussion is all about, right? I didn't take it personally, I was just offering my defense of my statement.

I also consider you to be a great friend. That's why I pushed to promote your stories to the front page. :D

As far as your new counter-argument is concerned, I think you actually made my argument for me. The fact that it has constantly been in the news, and they finally revealed the price is why it was "big" news. The fact that it is a controversial price is also "big" news.

My description of the Rift being "one of the hottest new products" is accurate from multiple perspectives. One is that all of the major tech sites covered it. Two is that even more sites are talking about the expensive price. Three is that it is cutting edge tech from cutting edge companies and developers. Four is that there has been a constant huge line at CES for folks wanting to try it out. Five is... need I really go on?

Is the Oculus Rift "the hottest product of the show"... Nope. I didn't say that. I said it was "one of the hottest new products." Perfectly. Accurate. Statement.

@dgstorm Drops mic.
But...but.... DID YOU SEE THE PARROT DISCO!!!!!! Screw the Rift, man, I want THAT!!!!!!!!

Other then the controller what is the difference from the Samsung VR unit at $99. I know Samsung requires you to use your phone how does this unit differ? No phone just a computer or TV?
But...but.... DID YOU SEE THE PARROT DISCO!!!!!! Screw the Rift, man, I want THAT!!!!!!!!

I must admit that Parrot disco is the bomb!!! I also want the flying car-drone!
Other then the controller what is the difference from the Samsung VR unit at $99. I know Samsung requires you to use your phone how does this unit differ? No phone just a computer or TV?
If I am not mistaken, this one has to integrate directly into a PC? I believe it has some very steep hardware requirements as well. From what folks are saying, the experience is amazing.

The Samsung VR is slick because of its affordable price. I am also impressed with what Microsoft is doing with the HoloLens, but that is far off from a polished and affordable retail product.
Other then the controller what is the difference from the Samsung VR unit at $99. I know Samsung requires you to use your phone how does this unit differ? No phone just a computer or TV?
The using your own phone thing is a giant difference. Consider how powerful a high end Nvidia or AMD Video card is versus your phones video "card".
