Official CRASH Thread aka Dropped my phone


Diamond Member
Jan 25, 2010
Reaction score
Cleveland, Ohio
Current Phone Model
Moto Turbo 2
Just did it AGAIN so I thought I'd start the thread.
I've had 1 bad drop and 1 not.

1 The first time I was coming up the stairs from the basement. I stumbled on my wife's shoes as they are ALWAYS BY THAT DAMN SIDE in my left hand.
I'm going down. I'm tumbling towards the left and realize I'm going to have to break my fall with my phone in my left hand or get seriously hurt. I make the decision to let the phone go. So I do as m,y hand is coming down. So I not only dropped it, I actually kind of threw it since my hand was moving downward.
It hits the hard corner metal piece of the top stop screen first, and I successfully save myself from serious injury. Of course, this happened in seconds. It was only after I was really able to analyze what happened.
For the first time IN MY LIFE I was not nervous as I picked the phone up. A corner edge was scratched, but the screen was still pristine.

2 This JUST happened. I was crawling under a desk to plug in some peripherals. Need a flashlight. *Twist Twist* (no need to explain that that means to a Moto Owner): and the phone goes flying out of my hand and lands, of course, face down. DOH! I should know better,
This was only a 3 foot drop so I was not remotely worried, and of course, it's perfect.

Cool idea for a new thread @PereDroid I posted this a few days ago in another thread, but will post here again to keep this thread going. I dropped mine for the first time ever from about chest high. Just like the commercials, I had that initial feeling of panic, and as I tried to catch it I just knocked it even further away. As it hit the hardwood floor face down, my panic subsided as I remembered that I have a Turbo 2 and it can withstand those drops; at least the screen can. Not a mark or scratch on it any where!
Cool idea for a new thread @PereDroid I posted this a few days ago in another thread, but will post here again to keep this thread going. I dropped mine for the first time ever from about chest high. Just like the commercials, I had that initial feeling of panic, and as I tried to catch it I just knocked it even further away. As it hit the hardwood floor face down, my panic subsided as I remembered that I have a Turbo 2 and it can withstand those drops; at least the screen can. Not a mark or scratch on it any where!
Lol, I did the drop phone, go to try and grab, thus pushing it at warp speed to the ground, with my Incredible, needless to say the screen was a spiderweb...
Glass wasn't what it is today...

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Droid Turbo 2, with unbreakable display!!

Kneeling on a tall stack of "totes" and leaning over to pick up something from the top of the aluminum ladder. This would be about a 12 food drop. I had placed my phone in the top pocket of my shirt, a pocket with a button. Normally I button the pocket to prevent the phone from falling out. Of course, this time I didn't button it.

The phone tumbled out of my pocket, the first hit was on the bottom left corner on the front, while bouncing off one of the lower ladder steps which dented and abraded the front bezel surround. It also dented the multi-layer display under the screen protector. You can still see the dent in the display (photos to follow), which if it were glass would have almost certainly resulted in a complete destruction of the display glass.


The following bounces were off the pavers on the ground below, all of which were along back edges and corners. I can just see in my mind what it would have looked like if it were a 'normal' Gorilla Glass. It would have been a very dense and finely fragmented glass corner, almost completely white at and near the point of impact, and then feathering out (spidering), into smaller and less frequent fractures running in all directions toward the top, top right and right of the display.
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Damn that corner took a beating!wow! Makes me want to put my case back on!

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It's pretty awesome that it still works FoxKat!

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Damn that corner took a beating!wow! Makes me want to put my case back on!

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True. I actually cleaned it up quite a bit with a very sharp and very thin knife, cutting away the bent aluminum from the glass edge. You should have seen it before I cleaned it up. There was aluminum bent overtop of the screen and up against its edge where it is now dented.
It's pretty awesome that it still works FoxKat!

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True. It was painful to watch but like was said above by both you and @PereDroid, I was not worried about the screen. I was only concerned about the bezel and back.

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Well, like you said if it was any other phone you would have had to buy a new one. Gotta love this shattershield technology. Droid does baby!

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Sitting in someone's office today phone sitting on my leg. It starts to slide off.

I didn't even reach for it. :cool:
Sitting in someone's office today phone sitting on my leg. It starts to slide off.

I didn't even reach for it. :cool:

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I thought it went without saying. AND nothing. Not a blemish.

Sent from Turbo II
Well that's what I figured but others might not be as confident.

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OK, here goes my latest drop story, and I did mess up my phone a little. I dropped it the other night in my hotel room, right onto the edge of the little coffee table. The edge of the table was not smooth, has some rough spots from years of use (like most hotel furniture). It hit just right and punctured my screen protector. I didn't want to peel it off until I got home. Sure enough, it put a tiny dent & small puncture in the outer layer of the screen. The good news is that piece is user replaceable for $30. It's basically just a thick screen protector. I am going to go to Verizon today and buy a tempered glass screen protector and see how it looks, it might hide the tiny blemish underneath a little? Looks like I might have to replace the outer layer at some point, will see how it goes and if that tiny blemish bothers me over time. Do I blame Motorola? Nope, I dropped it, I blame myself. Do I think their warranty is switch bait? Nope, it clearly states that the screen and phone are not indestructible. I knew when buying this that it was a 5 layer design and the outer layer can be damaged and scuffed up. The shattershield screen did exactly what it was designed to do, not crack or shatter! If that was any other phone the other day, I would probably be shopping for a new phone or new screen right now.

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