[OFFICIAL] Motorola X Phone Waiting Room

cereal killer

Staff member
Oct 29, 2009
Reaction score
Austin, TX
Current Phone Model
Nokia Lumia Icon
Pull up a chair, bust out the X-Box, snacks, pool tables and your beverage(s) of choice. The wait begins........NOW. I'm in this one so whoever wants to join me, the sign up page is on the wall to your right.
Might be a long wait, so I brought a thermos of coffee.

hone them hockey skates to a razr's edge
lol, and here we go!! :D
Oh thank goodness there is still a comfy chair for me! Guess I'll have to wear out these new maps on Call of Duty while I wait!
Where can pitch my tent?

Cellar Door

"Who are you people and where is my horse?"
And I'm all over it like stink on a wet dog. This must be the waiting room for all of the X-men. I brought all of the DVDs. We can watch while we wait.
justin takes a seat and wonders if rumors are true..
C'mon Moto, you can make this happen. At this point, it's no longer a stretch. The technology is there and you've already proven what can happen with batteries if the manufacturer so desires.dancedroid

And I was all but certain the Galaxy SIV was going to be my next device, but this has entirely too much potential to pass.
If Verizon can keep their greedy paws off the specs, I might be in for one. The DNA was a decent phone until Verizon castrated the U.S. release.
eh I am just here to satisfy my curiosity.
I hope this phone has the potential to be my next phone. I hope it has an SD slot, unlocked/unlockable BL, and hopefully 4G atop every part of the current rumors.
Sneaking in the backdoor and waiting (hopefully patiently although that is not my best quality :))....
Any room...

Pull up a chair, bust out the X-Box, snacks, pool tables and your beverage(s) of choice. The wait begins........NOW. I'm in this one so whoever wants to join me, the sign up page is on the wall to your right.

...for a 50 foot camper? Don't have one but the last time I was in here it was for a ahem, "Thunderbolt". What a cluster fluck that was. A 50 foot camper might not be large enough after all