ok I seriously need some help! I have a screenshot


New Member
Jan 6, 2011
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My phone icon is gone. I can make a call but only with voice dial. if I press the screen where the call icon should be I get the message displayed in my attachment. does anybody have any idea???
I am running UD.
oh yea while i am at it I am not receving nor can I send text messages. other then this, UD rocks, I really like all the settings. somebody please help
I'm not using UD so this may come off as kind of asinine and over-the-top, but can you just reflash the rom without doing the data / cache wipes (to preserve your settings and apps)? It should reinstall the app if that's what has actually happened.

And just to clarify, from the screen shot the dialer app somehow got uninstalled?
can't long press the icon and change it to phone?
You can also go into the UD settings and choose to install either the modified phone app or the stock phone app. For txts I'm not too sure. Are you using the stock messaging app??

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Sometimes different roms have different phone app names. Could have changed from "phone" to "dialer" or vise versa. Check your app drawer.

Sent from my DROID2 using DroidForums App
nope . I just installed it yesterday and never backed it up. I could do a fresh install but I already started playing imobsters again.... I thought there would be a way to put the calling icon and texting icons back out there
Sometimes different roms have different phone app names. Could have changed from "phone" to "dialer" or vise versa. Check your app drawer.

Sent from my DROID2 using DroidForums App

nope I do have voice dialer. so it still has the possibility of calling people but I just cant dial .
Sometimes different roms have different phone app names. Could have changed from "phone" to "dialer" or vise versa. Check your app drawer.

Sent from my DROID2 using DroidForums App

nope I do have voice dialer. so it still has the possibility of calling people but I just cant dial . maybe I will just reflash.
Long press that icon and drag it to the trash, or if you are given an option to replace app, select that. Then when the menu pops up select to add an application. Scroll down when the app picker opens and select "phone".
thanks to all who have helped so far. I went into recovery, installed the settings only and my phone icon came back. however no texting still weird. is there a market app that I can use??
thanks to all who have helped so far. I went into recovery, installed the settings only and my phone icon came back. however no texting still weird. is there a market app that I can use??

Handcent SMS and ChompSMS are free on the market.