on screen drawing to search contacts?


New Member
Feb 11, 2010
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I saw a video where one of the android developers used his finger to draw a letter over his contact screen to filter contacts. He drew the lower case letter "e" and it went to his contacts that started with e. He used the same finger search to search music. Is there anything availible for droid like this, or does anyone know how to get it. It looked awesome, instead of scrolling or dragging grey square you just draw on the screen to filter.
I've never seen anything like that myself, but that would be pretty cool actually!

Maybe it was because it was dev video.......
I found what you were looking for...

I too had been looking for a way to simply "write" the first letter of a name or title I was looking for, rather than have to swipe my finger all-the-way-to-the-bottom-of-a-list... well, you know.

It's called Gesture Search, and is available from the Market, on our Droids.

Hope that helps.
It's from google, it doesn't just help with contacts, it goes through your apps too! So it's great to have on your home screen to find something real fast.
I saw a video where one of the android developers used his finger to draw a letter over his contact screen to filter contacts. He drew the lower case letter "e" and it went to his contacts that started with e. He used the same finger search to search music. Is there anything availible for droid like this, or does anyone know how to get it. It looked awesome, instead of scrolling or dragging grey square you just draw on the screen to filter.
It's called Gesture Search. It's a terrific tool. For some reason it can never find one of my contacts, a Congolese guy named Kab. It recognizes the letters but doesn't find his contact record. Other than that I don't think I've ever had a problem with it.
I had it installed and had to remove it because Swype would lock up after I used it. Thinking about it, it probably wasn't a problem with Gesture Search. It was more likely a problem with Swype. But I like Swype a lot so I uninstalled Gesture Search.
yup, Gesture Search. and yes, it searches your contacts too. i uninstalled it because i didnt like having to open up another app for this. i wish there was a way to integrate it with the OS