One email, two icon notifications


New Member
Nov 10, 2010
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Hi all, first time poster! I love my Droid Incredible so far, but there is a bit of a learning curve. Just trying to get everything set up streamlined.

Here's a question, I searched for it but couldn't find the answer. Whenever I get an email, I get two notifications for it in the notification bar. I get an icon that is like a "GMail icon" (I think this is the Gmail app) and I get a message icon. When I pull down the notification bar, the Gmail icon has next to it: "3 new mail messages" or whatever, and the Message icon (the little envelope)has the same exact message. How can I get these separate? I'd like a message icon notification when I get an sms, and the gmail icon when I get an actual email. Any ideas??
Do you have two email accounts set up? It sounds like you may be set up through Gmail and the stock Mail program. Go to Mail and click menu and see if you can delete your account. Also, you can set your notifications so you can have different sounds for emails and messages (SMS).

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Yeah sounds like your doubled up on email apps. You can continue to use both with notifies until you figure out the best one for you. Then either uninstall the one you don't want or disable its notifiers.

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Hey, thanks for the replies. I think you guys got me basically on the right track. I went into the "gmail" app and turned off notifications. That fixed the problem in the original post.

However, now I'm annoyed that there is a "gmail" app and a "mail (HTC?)" app both in my phone. Every time I, say, try to forward a picture, I have the option to send it through either "gmail" or "mail." But that's stupid, because the only "mail" account I have set up IS my gmail.

I tried to uninstall one of them, but in my app manager, I can only "uninstall updates" for gmail, and I don't have the option to uninstall "mail" at all! Annoying.

Anything that can be done about this? Basically, I only want one mail client on my phone.
Unfortunately, best I could tell, INC requires Gmail and the stock mail program. Welcome to the forum BTW!

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Thanks for the welcome, tiger. It's annoying that I have to have two email programs, but I suppose it's trivial to deal with.
Thanks for the welcome, tiger. It's annoying that I have to have two email programs, but I suppose it's trivial to deal with.

Hehe, that's why after I sync'd my Gmail account, it did the same to me. I was like. Okay no. That's why I had to go through a phone factory restore to get rid of it then I found out there is a Yahoo Mail app and the rest is history. Just goto Yahoo's site and get a free email account then the Yahoo Mail app and sync it to your phone. It works awesome, trust me. It's very easy to use too. Yeah here's why you can't get rid of either. Gmail is, of course, Google. If you remember, Android is Google's baby so of course you can't uninstall Gmail. That's like Microsoft letting you uninstall Intercrap Explorer (as if). Lol second the stock app...It's one of those apps that they install and expect you to use or is of such an importance they won't let you uninstall it. Personally I think the stock one should be allowed to be uninstalled, it sucks.