opinion on the devour...


Nov 12, 2009
Reaction score
albrightsville, pa
Hey guys I left the droids for a while but decided to come back.. figured I would just post my thoughts on the devour..

First off I have AT&T and Verizon.. I have had the iphone 3gs, imagio, touch pro 2, droid, droid eris.. to name a few I'm pretty well versed in smartphones (I repair them).. I left blackberry as I felt they were getting very stale but extremely reliable and since then I have been looking for a phone that keeps my interest..

The droid was awesome... but I hated how flat the keyboard was.. and the camera was always blurry ( granted I had one of the originals) video recording was amazing on it... switched to the droid eris as I had just cone fron htc and liked the sense ui.... slow beyond beleif... constantly freezing or lagging very bad.. and yes I had a task manager set to kill apps every half hour..... kept that till I switched to omnia 2.. dropped that to go back to an iphone... but I quickly grew tired of the lack of multitasking and AT&T's horrible freaking network where I live... just recently came back to using vzw full time with a palm pre plus.. a lot of great ideas but choppy performance and poor implementation of a lot of things.. first one completely died 3 days after purchase vzw replaced as a doa unit.. second unit began showing same issues first unit did before dying.. returned and went to best buy to pick up either a storm 2 or devour...

Bb hasn't changed still stale os and hardware so I played with a devour.. while I use my phone for everything.. tethering, email, ebay, social networking, my business everything and very heavily at that... I was drawn to this phone to begin with because of playing with the motoblur on a friends cliq... I like it personally yes I know I can download the apps and widgets... but I like the integration... the keyboard on this is excellent almost as good as my touch pro 2 (imo... I'm typing this on the devour)... speedy not as fast as the droid but definitely acceptable especially compared to the eris... I do wish it had a flash and shipped with at least 2.0 but 1.6 is a big improvement over 1.5... I also would have liked a slightly bigger screen but once again def acceptable... love the touch pad.. love the volume of the main speaker... hate not being able to hear my phone over my music in my car or even sleeping through my alarm in the AM..

Anyway guys this is all just my opinion.. just thought I would share my thoughts.. sorry it was soo long winded..
Thanks, I appreciate the review. I was thinking about getting a Devour and seeing someones opinion on it really helped.

Got a question though. Did you try any of the emulators? Does it run any of them?
I need an honest assessment

hey guys, new to the forum, but it looks like a fantastic community, thus why i have a question for discussion.

I want to know the pros and cons of the Droid and the Devour.

I know the Devour has MotoBlur, but I am not a social networking junkie. However, I am not sure I would use the Droid to its fullest capabilities. I just want to make the right choice, as I will be with this new phone for the next 2 years!

Please leave your bias at the door! I want an honest opinion! Thank you all very much!
Please leave your bias at the door! I want an honest opinion! Thank you all very much!

That will be hard to do since 99.9% of users here have a Droid and have never handled a Devour.

Unfortunately I have not used emulators on the devour yet.. they ran well on the droid because of the separate dedicated processor for the gui... but I still found them to be glitchy and clumsy at best.. its been quite a while so that may have improved.. anybody with some better information....???
Really? I run them on my Droid all the time. Considering this isnt a real game system nor a TV, I think it gets the job done. Ill admit it is very glitchy, music is forever messing up. But most places I sneak a game you have to play it on Low anyway. No one wants to hear the theme song to 'Advance Wars' on the bus, and on the sub you might get jacked for having such a fancy phone. Yes, I dont pull out my phone outside very often.

But I have a Droid myself and am considering getting the Devour for someone else. Figure if some kids get a hold of it they can use the emulators.
hey guys, new to the forum, but it looks like a fantastic community, thus why i have a question for discussion.

I want to know the pros and cons of the Droid and the Devour.

I know the Devour has MotoBlur, but I am not a social networking junkie. However, I am not sure I would use the Droid to its fullest capabilities. I just want to make the right choice, as I will be with this new phone for the next 2 years!

Please leave your bias at the door! I want an honest opinion! Thank you all very much!
I think they are both great devices. I have not used the Devour yet but a friend of mine has used it and said it's a pretty good device.

I don't think there is a clear cut answer to your question. You may find the Devour is perfect for your your needs or you may find that the Droid is more appealing.

Your best bet is to go into VZW when it's released and take them both for a test drive.

I don't care what anybody else says but just because the specs are not as impressive as the Droids it's meaningless. If the device performs and is stable and reliable thats what matters most.

I don't get sucked into the marketing machine. I buy what I feel is the best buy and most reliable for ME.

*moved to Devour area*

No your right for a phone its decent.. but after playing the emulators on my iphone its very glitchy.. that's what I should have said... but in comparison the iphone can only do one thing at a time so the processor is dedicated to the game... but by all means the droid did a good job handling the games with other stuff going on...
Never played them on the iPhone. Maybe Ill get my iTouch jailbroken sometime and check that out. Friend of mine said its good and he beat 'Final Fantasy VI' on his.
hey guys, new to the forum, but it looks like a fantastic community, thus why i have a question for discussion.

I want to know the pros and cons of the Droid and the Devour.

I know the Devour has MotoBlur, but I am not a social networking junkie. However, I am not sure I would use the Droid to its fullest capabilities. I just want to make the right choice, as I will be with this new phone for the next 2 years!

Please leave your bias at the door! I want an honest opinion! Thank you all very much!
I think they are both great devices. I have not used the Devour yet but a friend of mine has used it and said it's a pretty good device.

I don't think there is a clear cut answer to your question. You may find the Devour is perfect for your your needs or you may find that the Droid is more appealing.

Your best bet is to go into VZW when it's released and take them both for a test drive.

I don't care what anybody else says but just because the specs are not as impressive as the Droids it's meaningless. If the device performs and is stable and reliable thats what matters most.

I don't get sucked into the marketing machine. I buy what I feel is the best buy and most reliable for ME.

*moved to Devour area*

Excellent, thank you for your response.

I actually used the Devour for a grand total of 24 hours and it just did not fit what I was looking for. I loved the idea of the MotoBlur, but I am not a high facebook user and it just felt like the phone was geared in that direction.

I guess I can do my own review on them :) I will to a pro con thread in the morning!
After having the Devour for a few weeks, here's my opinion...keeping in mind I use my phone #1 for business,a close second is social networking & never run emulators etc. I have found the phon very reliable, the keyboard is the best I have used in years, considering how heavily I use it the battery life is good (8-10 hours), very customisable interface and yes, I do enjoy the integration of Motoblur.

Here's what I have found less than pleasing - several people I talk to regularly who didn't know I switched phones have complained to me that the sound quality is not good on their end. I don't notice a difference on this end, but after so many varied complaints, I must think it is valid. I have had several accidental hang ups on calls bc the touch screen is so ultra sensitive that if my cheek gets near it, it ends the call. MY BIGGEST PERSONAL PEEVE with this phone is the camera. I feel it is generally all around the worst performing phone cam I have ever seen...and as a professional photographer & photo buff, that is important to me. Even if the performance of the camera could be improved via software I still ake issue with the architecture of the insanely poorly placed camera shutter release. It is difficult to activate, it is difficult to hold the phone easily while activating, and on top of that, the button is placed on a downward slant surface area...so IF you manage to place your finger on it just right, chances are your finger will "slide down the incline" & you'll have to start all over again. AND once you finally have a decent pic, most of the photo editing apps are built for the Droid & don't work on this operating system 1.6. Did I. Mention I hate the camera? :)
When I renewed my contract I originally got the Devour. I used it for about a week. Its a very nice device, but the Droid in my mind wins hands down. The one thing I did like better on the Devour was the keyboard. Other than that just about every aspect of the Droid is better. Its faster,better camera,newer OS,and the possibility of getting 2.1(hopefully). At Best Buy the Devour was $80 and the Droid was $100. The Droid was for sure, 100%, worth the extra $20.