Overheating on motorcycle


New Member
Jan 28, 2013
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Anyone using their phone on a motocycle? I thought my android was going to be the perfect solution for my motorocycle - GPS, statistics & music all in one device but after a few hours into a ride I get an overheat message and then the phone will not charge. The phone is warm but it's not too hot to hold. Normally I will be running GPS, Ulysse Speedmeter and music when I'm on the open road. If I leave the screen on, which is nice for a digital speedometer, it happens sooner but even with the the screen off and not using the speedmeter the overheating issue will not go away. The issue has happened with 3 different model phones (Droid 2, G2 & G3) over the last three years. Is this just normal with GPS running and the sun on the phone? Is my power supply? I currently have a 3BR Powersports TAPP instead of the 12volt adpater. Is the heat in the battery? Would changing the battery when it heats up help?

I try to get 1 good ride a week, 300-600 miles (6-10 hours) on the back roads. I use the GPS to mark out stops to see in the middle of nowhere, rustic road, lighthouses, rodeside oddities, etc..... I think the GPS is a better solution a sheet of paper with directions to 10-15 locations. I am hoping there is a solution this issue resolved or is it time to pick up a GPS?
The only solution I can see is turning on the gps when you get to "x" location unless it's the route you are trying to map.
Also where is phone being held during the ride? On the windshield where the sun shines all day? Is there a way to place the phone in a windy location (I know you might lose it on a bump right?)?
I have used a Thunderbolt and a Galaxy S3 on my bike, it is usually in a holder stuck to the windshield, I also use the gps, digital speedo, video recorder, music player and bluetooth. I have never had an overheating issue, I am using a $10 twelve volt power supply from Walmart or Pep Boys. I've been doing this for about three years and have taken a few rides of more than 300 miles.
From what you described, it appears the only difference is the power supply. I usually ride in 70-90 degree weather.
I have a cigarette lighter that hooks to the battery under my seat. The programs I use when riding are either the turn by turn directions, C:Geo (geocaching app) that display geocaches that are approaching, and CarHome Ultra. I will use MyTracks in the background so I can see the route when I get home. I used these programs with the OG Droid (had heating issues), Thunderbolt and now my S3, the TB and S3 never overheat.

On a sidenote, I also want to thank you for the heads up with Ulysse Speedometer. I downloaded and installed it tonight. I think I might actually like this better than the CarHome Ultra that I purchased a couple of years ago.