Own DInc, but Rom Manager showing Droid 1 roms???


New Member
Mar 8, 2010
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Hi all,

I recently made the jump to the DInc from the Droid 1. I rooted my DInc and put SkyRaider 3.0RC2 on my DInc, installed Rom Manager and my premium licence, and for some reason I am seeing the Rom Manager with all of the Droid 1 Roms listed, and none of the DInc roms??????? I have uninstalled/reinstalled/rebooted several times, but no change. Any help would be appreciated!

dancedroiddancedroiddancedroiddancedroiddancedroiddancedroid:icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana::icon_ banana:
I had the exact same issue. I tried formatting my sd card among other things but i found the one thing that worked is doing a factory reset. Somewhere on the phone the phone information is stored on /DATA. The simplest thing is a factor reset.
its the data stored on your memory card i had the same issue as i came from the d1 to an inc, today i deleted the whole clockworksmod folder from my memory card uninstalled and reinstalled the app and now it works