Phone got wet, now battery icon will just flash???

Not ashamed to admit I wil totally be smashing this thing in around 20 months to get me a "new" refurbed battery.

Just so we're clear, this is only a joke. Intentionally destroying a device to get a free replacement is insurance fraud.
Just so we're clear, this is only a joke. Intentionally destroying a device to get a free replacement is insurance fraud.

Yeah, I know @PereDroid well enough to know he was just being funny. But it's good to clarify for those who don't understand his humor.
Yes, joking, I'll be getting a new phone in 20 months. I've never had a phone longer then my exact 2 year contract date.
However, it wouldn't be Insurance Fraud as it would be a Warranty claim and NOT an Insurance claim.
It does make me wonder what Moto was thinking. I'm sure people WILL do this.
Has anybody broken a turbo screen or know someone who has? I guess the better glass and the beveled edge make it dang near break proof for an average fall
Has anybody broken a turbo screen or know someone who has? I guess the better glass and the beveled edge make it dang near break proof for an average fall
Have I? No but I have heard here and other places it is not as tuff as you may think and that is why Verizon ( or someone ) gives you 1 free glass replacement.
I was looking for info on this awhile ago and found a forum where 3 or 4 people had used the program.
My understanding was the program wasn't originally out there and yet some of the early purchasers of the phone dropped it and cracked the screen and had complained that it broke too easily so Motorola made the decision to offer one free replacement through Verizon as a way of silencing the complaints.

Of course, we're a bit off topic here. So let's try to bring it back with regards to water damage. Anybody swinging any socks lately?
No, apparently too many g's will crack my fragile screen :)