Photo uploading window instead of sync!

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Jul 25, 2010
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when I plug in my droid x into my pc using the usb cable it goes straight to a photo uploading window. I cant find the phone on any of the music programs including itunes and windows media player. How do I get my pc to read my phone so I can put my music on? Thanks!
For the first question, the photo uploading program that pops up, it could be some software you already have installed on your pc. As far as not being able to find it on your iTunes etc, you might have to change the connection mode to Mass Storage, or PC. It might not work then just by those settings, you might have to install the Motorola disk drive driver properly first. Try those things first.
so that definately helped. I ran into v cast media program and it was good except they only took a 9th of my itunes because the majority of my tracks were "protected". any advice?
Well, of all the protected tracks, what you can do is find a program, [maybe a great freeware out there, maybe one costs money] that encodes those Itunes bought tracks [they are aac protected right?] to mp3 or whatever file format is compatable with your phone. I will PM you with a link and help on how to install a program I found. TTYL

well it said the files that were transfered are mp4. I was able to transfer music onto my phone using windows media on my laptop, so if I transfered all my itunes to windows do u think it would help or is this program you are talking about the way to go? thanks
That's what the program is buddy. Apparently I am thinking you have all your mp4 files transferred over to your Droid X, because that is a compatable file format with that phone, and they were probably DRM-free, so you can copy anytime. But the remaining songs are probably from Itunes, and they are AAC protected, so that's what you have to install the program for, and encode/convert the rest of your Itunes songs with.
Mr. Keshavcharya,
I am in the same boat as Franchise15,
Would you be able to PM me with a link and help on how to install a program you found?
I would greatly appreciate that!!!
Sorry for the delay

Hello Jeff. I just sent you the PM you wanted. If you have any questions you know where to find me.

The discussion of removing drm protection is not allowed in the Droid Forums. However nobody here has published a link for obtaining any such programs.

What you do in your pm's is fine, we don't have a problem with that. However to avoid the inevitable, which is someone just posting a link I am going to close this thread at this time. Again if you want to communicate by pm, there is nothing wrong with that.
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