Play notification sound and music at the same time?


Jul 19, 2011
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I have been googling this problem foreverrrrrrrrrr.
Is there anyway to have your phone do 2 sounds at once?
I noticed in the Music Gingerbread app settings it has Audio Focus.
Its suppose t be able to "Instead of pausing playback, lower playback volume during audible notifications." It however doesn't do this. Instead it just silences out the notification sound skipping part of the song.
Im on liberty 0.9 rom. Hoping there is a solution for this.
I have finally figured out the problem, hopefully when other people are googling this issue this post will show up.
Solution - Use Cynagen mod:
CyanogenMod Mirror Network - Powered by TDRevolutionownload the latest build.
Go to Settings > CyanogenMod Settings > Sound >
Uncheck the box "Notification Focus"
Now your notifications will play along with your music at the same volue, no interuptions at all. I love it!

Thank you to everyone who made cyanogen mod