Pocket Dust


Nov 19, 2009
Reaction score
Northern Virginia
I always keep my phones in my front left pocket. The Droid is my third motorola phone and I am concerned with the amounts of dust it collects in my pocket. My previous two motorola phones, E815 and Moto Q, would some how get dust between the actually screen and the outer plastic screen, if that makes sense. So the dust would be inside the phone and the only way to get it out would be to remove the glued on outer plastic screen and wipe it away. Any thoughts on preventing dust build ups? I usually give my Droid a quick blow and wipe down when I have it out but it still manages to collect so much dust.
Some people (myself included) have used a lint roller on our pockets....Flip them inside out, a few passes.....good to go...

I would not recommend taking the screen "off" to clean out the dust/lint....
pocket dust is why I don't keep my phone in my pocket, holster for me.
What the heck is pocket dust? I keep mine in my front pocket of my shirt all the time and I never have any issues.

The only time dust can be an issue is if you're in a dusty environment, like a construction site or something of that nature. Even then it's tough for dust to get under the glass and if it does happen Verizon will replace it.
Dust got under my screen within 2 weeks from me having this phone. Ever since I noticed the first speck of dust I have used my old iPod 30GB case that came with it. I haven't seen any more dust get under the screen since. So I suggest getting a little sleeve or something of the sort to put your phone in when you put it in your pocket.
Some people (myself included) have used a lint roller on our pockets....Flip them inside out, a few passes.....good to go...

I would not recommend taking the screen "off" to clean out the dust/lint....

This is exactly what I do.. I use to have problems with lint and dust in the screens but ever since I started doing this my screen is spotless.. CLEAN THOSE POCKET GUYS! or use a holster
the only issue i've had was my ear piece 'slot' getting some fuzz/dust in it.. i periodically blow it out like a NES cartridge.
Thanks for the advice everyone. I just took a lint roller to the inside of my pocket and was amazed by the amount of lint I collected. And dust/lint, you guys know what I meant ;)