Post no headphone Jack


Regular Member
Rescue Squad
Dec 23, 2009
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Straight up this thread was inspired by this Droid-Life article (Question of the Day: Pixel 2 Crew, How's Life Without a Headphone Jack? | Droid Life) so shout out to Droid-Life. But those of us who are post headphone jack what are the experiences you've had.
For me I hardly notice as I use bt headphones majority of the time. But I will admit when it has become burdensome. My grandmother is a post stroke survivor and I am blessed every time I talk to her because she has recover well and you can hardly tell at times.

Normally when I talk to her it is either vis BT or speakerphone as I know I have to speak up or she will not be able to hear me. The problem with speakerphone on the Pixel 2 xl is it will get silent like the speakerphone part just shut off so I'll have to toggle it off and back on. But it will keep doing it and so I end up looking for my headphones.

Problem is I keep 1 set of headphones in my gym bag (my beats) and the other in my work book bag (knock off beats), that ill wear to listen to music while getting the day started. In the house I only have wired headphones so I'm having to look for the dongle.

Now I can just make the call through my Google home mini but I dont think it is going through as loud in clear as I notice a hesitant in response from my grandmother like she is still listening.

Outside of that I'm good.

Now after the holidays I plan on picking up either the LG Tone Studios or the Bose Soundwear companion, as Flossy Carter's review on those items have me wanting to get them.