Pouch case problem!


Aug 8, 2010
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ok well my husband has the droid 1 and i have the D2. i ordered me a pouch case the other day and it has the magnetic closure on it and i have always loved those things but my husband told me after i ordered it and it was on the way to my house that the ones he used with his D1 always turned his D1 on. well as soon as i got mine i put my D2 in it and he was right it turned mine on too! so i need another pouch case that does not have the magnetic closure on it. can anyone help me out to where to get one for my D2? thanks!dancedroid
There is an app in the market called "dock blocker" that I used on my D1, you might give it a try.

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I used the Dock Nothingness app from the market. It works great, and it's free. I use an Eddie Bauer case from Best Buy that has a magnet in it and it never runs the cardock app when I holster it now. dancedroid