Power off battery dying???


New Member
Jun 25, 2010
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Statesville, NC
Every night I turn my phone (Droid) off and every morning the phone is dead. I used to turn it off and still have power left or more then the night before but now it is dying. Can some one give me some help on what is going on and how to fix it?
Let me get this straight. Your turning your phone off, completely off (while it has a charge I'm assuming), then when you wake up, you turn it back on, but it won't come on because its dead?

Your not plugging it in ei
Very, very weird. I know the phone still uses a small amount of power when off, but certainly not enough to drain even a nearly dead battery
Yes Last night the phone had 70% power and I turned it off and it was dead this morning when I went to turn it on.
This has happened for the last week, maybe even since the last Verizon Update.
There has been quite a few people with this same exact problem, when they turn the phone off it drains more then when it's on. (2.1 and 2.2 at least, not many complaints with 2.0) It's almost as if something is being left on and it drains the battery. I know it's not exactly #1 best idea, but you could try taking the battery out at night if that is the case. I know li-Ion batteries will loose a small charge even if these is nothing that is using it, but never to the degree of which your talking about and it would take a few days to use up 5% of the battery. Another idea would be trying to put it in airplane mode before turning it off at night and seeing if there is any difference in the morning.
There has been quite a few people with this same exact problem, when they turn the phone off it drains more then when it's on. (2.1 and 2.2 at least, not many complaints with 2.0) It's almost as if something is being left on and it drains the battery. I know it's not exactly #1 best idea, but you could try taking the battery out at night if that is the case. I know batteries will loose a small charge even if these is nothing that is using it, but never to the degree of which your talking about and it would take a few days to use up 5% of the battery. Another idea would be trying to put it in airplane mode before turning it off at night and seeing if there is any difference in the morning.

Ya learn something new every day ;)

I just plug mine in at night....but I digress
Thanks for the help and I will try the Airplane mode.
If any other idea come up please let me know.
PS My wife has the same phone and same update and hers doesn't do this.
Thanks for the help and I will try the Airplane mode.
If any other idea come up please let me know.
PS My wife has the same phone and same update and hers doesn't do this.

Yeah i don't think anyone knows exactly why it's happening, or to whom. It's very very random from what i've seen, only about 5-10 cases i've heard of so far since we opened the forums.

Would be very interesting to see if the airplane mode helps out at all.
Finally got it to stop killing the battery, I left the battery out over night and the next night it didn't drain the battery.
I've started to run into this issue in the past week or two as well. My phone never had great battery life, but I could go about 24 hours without charging it. Not anymore...last night, I fully charged my phone by ~11pm, and used ATK to kill all programs. By the time I woke up this morning, around 7am, the battery was already back to yellow. I took it to a Verizon kiosk and store today, and both blamed Froyo and background processes. Does pulling the battery for a night solve the problem long-term?