Power Off: reboots vs. powering off ??


New Member
Jul 15, 2010
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Has anybody else noticed that when you power your DX off that it reboots the phone but doesn't actually turn it off ??
I am not rooted.
Any thoughts ??
Yes, this has started happening to me about a month or so ago. Power off just makes the phone restart instead of actually turning it off about 97% of the time.
Yes, that's been happening lately with mine as well.
It's been happening to me for about a month now. It hasn't been any problem so far. I haven't had any reason turn it off. I am glad I'm not the only one having this issue though.

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when i power mine off, it turns off.
when i reboot mine, it reboots.

learn to read next time. He is stock and the only option they have is power off.

But huh thats weird though. I like it to restart like that but sometimes i do want it off. You can just pull the battery off if you want to have it off. Dont worry it wont damage your phone.
HHHHMMMMMM.... Mine powers off just fine and stays off....

So does mine, but it's really no big deal as it takes 2 seconds to pull the battery out & then YOU KNOW 100% that it's off.

When I power off (hold the power button on top for 1 second, and select "power off" from the menu) my phone turns off and stays off until I hold the power button down to turn in back on.

Is that the way you are turning the phone off?
Mine does it 1 out of 3 times. It started after the last update.. and no, I'm not rooted. It does it more when its on 1x signal. Hopefully they fix in update, related question, why is there no stock reboot option, only a turn off? Even the crappy palm pre had that.

Sent while listening to android central podcast in my underwear.
I power off exactly the way you described. It used to work fine, but now the phone reboots. It happened again tonight, when I tried to turn the phone off before seeing a play. I'm rooted, BTW.

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Ya Know, I really NEED to stay away from this place... It seems that EVERY TIME I read of someone's Phone doing something Funky, and mine Don't, No sooner than I read it, Mine starts doing it.... I don't remember the Exact issue I got with my Eris right after I read of someone else having the problem, but with my "X", it started with the Random Re-Boots. Mine didn't do it EVER... Then I read it, and it now does it periodically...
Then Yesterday, I read about the Power Off issue.. Mine would power off and stay off just fine (I tested it when I made a reply in here just to make sure). I get up this morning, do my usual Power off to restart the phone, and wouldn't you know it, It restarted on it's own without me hitting the Power button... Tried it 3 or 4 times, same thing... Shuts off, and restarts... Pulled the battery and reinstalled it, and it stays off....
I'm telling you, You guys Jinx me sometimes..... :cus: :icon_rolleyes:

BTW, I'm Bone Stock, Only Change is GO Launcher EX (Launch Pro and ADW on phone, but not running, and it's been like that for a couple weeks)
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sorry to bump this thread, but mine has been doing this as well...anyone know what's causing this?

i'm stock with GB
The version of MotoBlur included with the Gingerbread update causes this problem. I tested it on a brand new Droid X at WalMart and it does the same thing. Usually if you turn the X off it will boot on its own within 1 - 5 minutes. If you turn it off a second time they usually remain turned off.

The FAA is aware of this issue because it may make criminals out of people that thought they turned their phone off (but it restarts on it's own). Right now this is specific to the Droid X.

If you go into a meeting that requires your phone to be OFF do yourself a favor and pull the battery. Do not trust a Droid X to remain off.

There's nothing you can do about the issue. Clearing cache does not fix the problem, nor does a factory reset. The problem is not in Gingerbread, but rather in Blur. It's up to Motorola to fix the problem, but they have very limited talent so don't expect help very soon.
The version of MotoBlur included with the Gingerbread update causes this problem.

The original problem in this thread was reported in March, before GB OTA.

If you go into a meeting that requires your phone to be OFF do yourself a favor and pull the battery. Do not trust a Droid X to remain off.

Sometime ago we couldn't trust a DroidX to remain ON for long without it rebooting.
This phone really is a "smartphone" with a mind of its own :^)

I found a widget called "SilentMode OnOff" that does one-click toggle between normal, vibrate and silent.

CDMA phones in standby are not as annoying as GSM phones, in meetings. I have heard GSM phones causing RF interference in conference call speakerphones and other speakers (e.g. TV) in the room.

Sent from my unrooted DroidX using DroidForums app.
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