PowerAmp... what the heck...


Jul 14, 2010
Reaction score
Does anyone else have the issue of your playlist contents getting deleted? It has done this to me like 5 times & it's annoying as all get out.

The name will be there but its empty.

I've tried importing other playlists, building them fresh, etc & the darned things keep deleting!

Any one else? Any suggestions???

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Yes my playlists get deleted. I'd email the developer.. I've been meaning to, but haven't.
I got a response from a different forum the actually responds...lol...uncheck the auto scan box.

Sent from my Unrooted Droid Razr Maxx Using Tapatalk
I got a response from a different forum the actually responds...lol...uncheck the auto scan box.

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A lot of times you don't get a response because no one knows the answer. Thanks for reporting back with the answer though, many do not do this, and now, if someone else has the same problem, they will likely get a response/answer!:biggrin: Really glad someone knew the answer for you.

I think it is very prudent to ask questions (especially those app related) in several forums if you don't get an answer from one. The wider net you cast....
I got a response from a different forum the actually responds...lol...uncheck the auto scan box.

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Unchecking the 'auto scan' would only prevent it from the playlists not getting messed up 'automatically'. I have already had this option disabled yet the moment I add new music (I regularly download mp3 from amazon) and do a manual scan to update my library, I still lose contents of my playlists... One thing I noticed is that every time when I lose content, I lose only the stuff that I had in my master library for a long time and not the ones that I purchased and downloaded from amazon! Strange....
mine does the exact samething!!!! i always have to go into settings and pick rescan.....pisses me off!!!
My wife and I still have the issue... I've tried lots of different methods... except emailing them.
I have the same exact issue,my playlist deletes by it self and i cant find the autoscan feature.I have a droid razr maxx,please help
Unchecked auto rescan... For whatever reason, that's the issue.

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It's under settings & folder.

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