Problem with message notification


New Member
Sep 10, 2015
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Current Phone Model
Samsung Note 5
So I just got my note 5 the other day. Naturally I have changed ring tones and spent some time personalizing my phone. The problem I'm having is with the setting for the messages notification. For some reason when I get texts the notification I hear is what is set for the "default" notification tone even though I have something else specified under the messages notification tone. I have even tried specifying a certain tone for messages in the contacts themselves but for some reason the default tone overrides it.
I don't know how to fix this and would really really love some advice. If you need any other info I will gladly give it.
I am changing them inside settings>sound and notification>ring tones and sounds>message notifications
I have tried default tones aso well as tones downloaded from the app zedge. No matter what it always uses the default notification tone. It's like the phone won't even utilize the setting for message notifications
Zedge doesn't have an option to sethe it as a "message" notification. Only contact ringtone, ringtone, notication, and alarm. I tried going into specific contacts and setting a message notification just for that number and I still only get the default notication tone... I'm really confused why it's not working
I have tried there as well. Just tried again to be sure and it is still the default notification tone I am hearing
Yep. The ringtone changes perfectly fine. Have changed it a couple times and always works perfectly. I am wondering if something is wrong with just this particular phone...?
Haha! Just fixed it! There are 3 messaging apps on the note 5. The stock, messages+, and hangouts. My phone had the messages+ set as default. I changed to stock and now it works. Appreciate the help. Thank you!
In the settings of messages+ I changed the notication tone as well. I wonder why it was not working...? I'm surprised more polished haven't had this problem. The messages+ was set as the default on my phone when I got it
Well thank you for the help. I really appreciate it :)
It seems so. I posted this same problem on 3 other forums. 2 of them I posted 2 days ago. You are the 1st person to even reply let alone try to help. I will definitely be sticking around