Problems with Messenger app


New Member
Aug 21, 2010
Reaction score
Newport, WA
Trying to see if there is a solution before I call Verizon (again) and try to get them to send me a new phone.

Droid 1, purchased late August new, everything was fine until the 2.2 upgrade hit. Most of the bugs seem to have worked their way out, but there is still one that is annoying. Sometimes in Messenger, when I click on a thread, it opens the incorrect thread. I'm using the standard Messenger app that comes with the phone. I don't have any apps that should be causing a comflict with messenger. I have done a factory data reset 3-4 times now and this problem still persists. Any suggestions?
Hmm, not the answer you are probably looking for, but I have been using Handsent almost since day one (over a year ago). If you go that route, just turn off the notifications in the stock messaging app and you shouldn't hae any conflicts.

good luck
Bringing this one back for a bit...
New phone, same issue. Click on a thread, it opens the incorrect thread. This is my third different phone in a week's time, hopefully I don't need yet another replacement phone.