PSX4Droid => General Discussion

loading .mcr files

No you cannot uses saves from a different emu! BUT Instead of getting save states..
Get a memory card file and you will be able to use that I think.

I'm not sure where psx saves has the mem pak at though..

The memory cards are located in a folder on the sd card called .psx4droid. You can use memory card files from elsewhere if they are in mcr format. You just have to rename them to the same filename as the memory cards located in that folder. I imported my memory cards from ePSXe and can confirm it works.

i have a question, how do you play the game in the droid using those save files? i know the games saves them to the folder but i cant seem to find a way to load them
agree..... let us see who releases the first psx emu zod or this guy.
This emulator ran FF7 much better than FPSe with no sound glitches and lags. :)