Question about buying apps with two phones and one credit card


New Member
Jan 9, 2010
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My brother and I both own a droid and my brother doesn't have a credit card so he isn't able to buy apps through google checkout. Is it possible for both of us to use my credit card but on our own accounts and phone numbers? We're also not on the same family plan for Verizon.
I'm pretty sure it is. Just use your credit card on his phone when you are buying the app.
Yes, Just enter your CC info on his Google Checkout.

Make sure you use the card owners Name and address.....
Thanks for the replies. I've also thought about him syncing my account onto his phone. Is it possible for him to do that and have two google accounts?
Anyone know if this is possible? I would really like to try and have it so my brother can just use my account instead of putting my credit card onto both of our accounts