Question about ROOTing my droid X


New Member
Feb 7, 2011
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If I root my Droid X will I loose my current apps and data?, also do I have to install a new rom? or can i just use the SU function and be ok? and if I dont flash a new rom is there any reason to root?
No you won't loose anything when you root.
No you don't have to install custom rom.
There are lots of reasons and benefits to root.
And its easy as click.
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ok last question Can I ROOT android V 2.3.4 system v 4.5.621.mb810 ?
To my knowledge there is no root method available for .621 yet. But do you research. You may be able to go back to .602 or .605 however I am not totally sure on it.
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ok last question Can I ROOT android V 2.3.4 system v 4.5.621.mb810 ?

If you updated to 4.5.621 there is no way to root it yet and you can't sbf back to where you were before you updated. So your pretty much stuck where your at for now.

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I just looked it up and I found something that had a root for 2.3.4 is that not what we need to do it I'm having the same problem but I haven't had a chance to try it yet and could we not sbf to 2.3.3 its still gingerbread

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As far as a solid root method for 621 i personally haven't seen one yet unless someone came out with one today. Unfortunately you can't use any other sbf besides the 621sbf anything else won't work.

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Well fudge I am going to try anyway all it can do is tell me it wont work I will let u know the outcome

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Pete's did not work and neither did the Droid 4 root still looking

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Pete's did not work and neither did the Droid 4 root still looking

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You are determined aren't you. Lol. Good luck!

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I have had a rooted phone for as long said I can remember this sucks I mess with my phone all the time I try every rom that comes out no matter if its stable or not its like an addiction now I'm having withdrawal and Verizon is really pissing me off if I didn't have a contract I would go to at&t

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I feel your pain, it would drive me crazy not being rooted. Hopefully something will become available for you to root. Just curious why did you take the update in the first place? Im assuming you didn't know not to take it if your rooted.

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For the same reason I did.

I updated my Droid X because I has having significant slow performance problems. The upgrade did fix the problems. However my phone is no longer rooted and I am unable to root the phone at all now. I am mindful of applications runing and keep the number to a minimum, I mind the memory as well. The Droid runs great now but I have to put up with Blockbuster wanting to constantly be updated. That Applications is an annoyance to me plus I never use it.

I will be available to upgrade to a Droid Razor Mazz soon so it will be interesting to see which is available first a root for Gingerbread 4.5.621.MB810/ Build 4.5.1_57_DX8-51.
or a new Razor Maxx.

I feel your pain, it would drive me crazy not being rooted. Hopefully something will become available for you to root. Just curious why did you take the update in the first place? Im assuming you didn't know not to take it if your rooted.

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Um "trying" the sbf HARD BRICKS your phone!!!!!

Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk 2
I updated my Droid X because I has having significant slow performance problems. The upgrade did fix the problems. However my phone is no longer rooted and I am unable to root the phone at all now. I am mindful of applications runing and keep the number to a minimum, I mind the memory as well. The Droid runs great now but I have to put up with Blockbuster wanting to constantly be updated. That Applications is an annoyance to me plus I never use it.

I will be available to upgrade to a Droid Razor Mazz soon so it will be interesting to see which is available first a root for Gingerbread 4.5.621.MB810/ Build 4.5.1_57_DX8-51.
or a new Razor Maxx.

You can still root using zergrush but first you would need to do the milestone x 604sbf. The 604iso won't change your radio so you'll be fine with your verizon data. Unfortunately the only sbf you can use since you updated is the 621 or 604 sbf or you'll just brick your phone if you try any other sbf's. The following link has what you need to do the 604iso sbf then you'll get the option to root after you sbf, it's all built in to one file. After you root you can install any 2nd init roms like cm7 or cm9 but if you want to install a non 2nd init rom like liberty or vortex you'll need to install a patched version of those roms. Here's the link for the 604iso and zergrush, there's a how to video in the link also

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