Question about ROOTing my droid X

ROOT android V 2.3.4 system v 4.5.621.mb810 ?

has any1 been able to ROOT android V 2.3.4 system v 4.5.621.mb810 as of yet, ive been trying for a week and then i saw theis post znd well now i'm hoping that someone has found a way
Got it and thanks everyone and to the next newbie there is a difference between the bootloader screen and recovery screen. In one your phone cant be rooted in the other your free, fasfer, rooted chose bootloader
I have an old DX that I want to root. I don't need to do it, I just want to practice on it. I had Pete's Root Tool but I got rid of it for fear that I would work up the nerve to actually use it on my Bionic and brick it. Now that I have two extra phones just running on WiFi around the house, I want try it out. But now I can't find any kind of One Click Root Tool download that is still available. What can I do??
2.3.4/4.5.621 can only be rooted with magic md5 method
I've tried both methods and it won't work. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong. This phone was given back to me about a month ago completely locked up. It wouldn't boot up. Tried pulling the battery numerous times. I found a thread here that said to power up and hold the home button, from there it showed the little android guy, I think it had an exclamation point or something like that. Then pressed volume up/down and I believe the bootloader screen came on with some options. Volume down to wipe data and pressed the power button, and off it went. I rebooted it and started from scratch with basically a new like phone:) Now I just use it around the house on WiFi. I've read the DX was designed to be unrootable but obviously someone is doing it. I just want to practice on it to see if I could do it. Just to see if I could remove factory installed useless apps. Does anyone have any solid advice on how to do it???
android recovery is !, triangle, & android andy
bootloader is where you flash sbfs

did you follow my steps
because you should booted to bootloader once and recovery once to root