Questions about Static IP


Aug 4, 2010
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First of all, I found the settings in the WIFI portion.

1) Is there a way to make it try to get a static IP on only a particular network?

2) It ain't workin' anyway... what gives?

Basically, when I'm at home, I want a static IP for WebSharing. But I know that won't play well with other wifis, like the one at my University.
Static IPs are a function of the router based on your mac address. If your router has that option. Mine does.

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Ehmm... That's ONE way to get a static IP. But most operating systems also support two methods of IP acquisition.

1) DHCP - (and this encompasses your way, where the router basically 'hacks' for you to get dhcp'd the same IP)
2) Static - where you push your own IP.
From your droid you could use ifconfig but unless the router allows the ip...not happening

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Right. So here's the thing. I'm on my network right now. I know which IPs I can set stuff to.

I have - as DHCP
and 200-255 as statics you can assign to (by virtue that the router's DHCP settings are set not to go that high)

So I set my phone's settings in WIFI config to .210 (free) and it ignores it.

But, like you said, this won't even work on all networks... so I was hoping for some way to do it per-network
Well with my router I just tell it that when this mac address connects it gets a hard IP

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Wonder if mine has anything like that... hrm. would be neat-o
Well with my router I just tell it that when this mac address connects it gets a hard IP

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DebianDog. That is not called a static IP, that is a reserved DHCP address. The router is still assigning that mac address an IP and the workstation still has DHCP set up, versus a static IP address is where the node (workstation) sets the ip.
Wonder if mine has anything like that... hrm. would be neat-o
What router?

DebianDog. That is not called a static IP, that is a reserved DHCP address. The router is still assigning that mac address an IP and the workstation still has DHCP set up, versus a static IP address is where the node (workstation) sets the ip.
Dynamic versus static just refers to whether or not the IP address changes. It has nothing to do with how the address is specified. You can have dynamically assigned static IP addresses (i.e. via DHCP). In any case, it's picking nits and irrelevant to the OP.
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takeshi, I'm going to disagree on your last statement.

If he uses a dynamically assigned static IP at home via MAC address, he wont have to constantly change settings on the phone when he wants to connect to the university wireless connection.

Sent from my A855, while on the move.