Received email song attachment; want to make it my ringtone—how do I do it?

Mrs EB

Dec 27, 2010
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I haven't posed a question here in a bit because I'm getting really comfortable with my Droid 2 Global. I love this thing!

That said, I don't love the standard ringtones so my husband emailed me a song attachment to my gmail account which of course I can listen to on my D2G. The attachment is m4a if that is helpful to you. Don't know what that means.

How do I get this song to become a ringtone? In order to have access to the song, I pressed "preview" and it took a while for it to play on my phone.

Please advise what to do and please give as simple instructions as possible. I'm far from being technologically savvy.

Thank you!
Just wanted to add that I can play the song when I go into my inbox but I don't see how I can save it or do anything else with it. Thanks.
Search. The market for "download all files" this allows you to save attachments from gmail including. Text, audio, apk's etc.

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