REducing Image File Size from Gallery, before sending

Email App = any email you make it -
Like I said - This is a brand new S4 on verizon - if not using an S4 - It's not the same System.

I picked out of the crowd a random user with also a New S4 -
If anyone missed it - they had the same results I had.

If you have S4 - and have image option - then you loaded a background app that comes into play.

But like Mark said - going to settings and even though I already have 2 other email apps - we'll see if adding other accounts within settings is allowed.
It might be why I have icons for GMAIL/YaHOO.

Those accounts do come up - with SHARE - so this maybe a moot ordeal.
I didn't get to Verizon in time today - to twist their last brain cells.

Cheers to all helping and to the poor folks watching -
We'll be serving beer pool side for all when this gets ironed out.
Email App = any email you make it -

I don't know what you mean here. The Email app is a very specific app that comes preloaded on the S4. The phone also comes preloaded with a separate Gmail app. And you might have seen that I've also installed the AquaMail and Kaiten email apps. Only the Email app has the functionality you're seeking.

When you choose Share Via, the dialog box lists apps (including email apps) but (for the email apps) not email accounts. Whichever email app you select will use the default account you selected when setting up the various accounts for that app.
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I really don't know what else to suggest if this doesn't help

Support Our Troops!!!
AfterNoon Sports Fans of S4 -

Just returned from Verizon Shop locally -

Tried to show them this portion of Share App - like some of you have -

The two techs there tried to convince me that the phones that have that option must be hacked - to be able to reduce size before sending.
Should of heard me at that point. The for FK sakes finally came out.

Then we tried every S4 & S3 - No Deal - No Prompt to reduce image size as was shown by you & others watching.
So I may have to go the next level up - at Verizon Support to find out the real deal.
It's not fair to torture you guys - I was really wishing to come out of store with a new toy.

They said - what's the big deal sending a 4MB image?
I said - I don't send friends - computer to computer images larger than 300KB when they were 15MB originally.

It's just not Kosher to eat up peoples data to view a so what image - plus sending it to a text -
I don't need to automatically look retarded doing that.

Even here on these forum sites -
it would chew the hell out the sites cost of operation in the end if everyone loaded huge image data.
Just wanted to say Thanks' for putting up with this nonsense - maybe I'll find the option somewhere -
even if I have to load/pay for it.

Image of the Shop within the last hour testing their display phones & the two tech's phones who didn't want to be in the shot.

It's quite the tour /chore to just get this store image to be viewed here.
Taken from phone - load to computer - open Flickr - load it there - chose one of the smaller view loads - open in new tab -
copy that link to here.
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My phone is completely stock. No 3rd party launcher even. I've loaded the OS upgrade, but have not done a FDR after that upgrade. But I wouldn't expect that would have any effect.

How big were the files you were using for the test and what was the file type?

I can't imagine why this didn't work if you were using the stock Email app.

I'll try to stop by my local Verizon store tomorrow and give it a try myself.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
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It's quite the tour /chore to just get this store image to be viewed here.
Taken from phone - load to computer - open Flickr - load it there - chose one of the smaller view loads - open in new tab -
copy that link to here.

You might want to use the Tapatalk app on your phone. You can load images directly from your phone to the forum reply

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
My phone is completely stock.
RIGHT - otherwise it would have been said otherwise.
It made me a tad upset they implied it.

How big were the files you were using for the test and what was the file type?
- The typical image load - 720K - 1.4MB taken from phone -
It was tested to email app & text message. The load size is displayed along side image.
No background process reduced the load - before or after placing it.
No interrupt image size window ever came up - tried on 5-6 sets.

I can't imagine why this didn't work if you were using the stock Email app.
I'll try to stop by my local Verizon store tomorrow and give it a try myself.
Not one set in the store tried was any different from mine - all factory set.
That would be great Bob - appreciate the effort.
use the Tapatalk app on your phone.
You can load images directly from your phone to the forum reply
Thanks - I've been reluctant to use the app - if the same load issue exists.
Any Forum would simply drop the attempt if too far out of bounds on load/pixel.
It would be a good test though - maybe by chance the app has this across platform resize built in.

Long day - had to fall down for a few hours.
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Thanks - I've been reluctant to use the app - if the same load issue exists.
Any Forum would simply drop the attempt if too far out of bounds on load/pixel.
It would be a good test though - maybe by chance the app has this across platform resize built in..

The Tapatalk app won't resize the image prior to uploading it. I was just suggesting that its use would eliminate all the steps you needed to go through.
Results from today's visit to my local Verizon store

Using his personal S4, the sales associate at my local Verizon store was able tosuccessfully bring up the "Select size to resize all selected images" dialog box. As before, the sequence was:

  • Select Gallery
  • Pick a picture
  • Select Share Via
  • Select the stock Email app. @mountainbikermark showed the icon for this email in his post #33

I have no explanation as to why your Verizon associates weren't able to get the dialog box, unless they didn't select the Email app and used Gmail or some other app instead.
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I had the same problems with my s4. I downloaded "resize me!" and now when I choose a file and share it allows me to choose resize me instead of email, facebook, gmail, etc., then it asks me what size, and poof it works. Unfortunately it only does one photo at a time, so if you want to add another then just choose add image, and choose resizeit again, and it resizes and inserts into email.
I had the same problems with my s4. I downloaded "resize me!"
THanks tpatti - I still haven't found an App to use yet -
There's just too many - with no details what they do other than add filters,, so it's just frustrating for now.

I'm starting to wonder if this is a Location Issue with some services -
The ones who do have the resize app tend to be on the East Coast.

So far those of US up in North Central - Minnesota, dead center of the US - we might be required to pay extra - typical perhaps.

Many Thanks to the Crew Here -
I hope it didn't require too much therapy putting up with me - other than Happy Hour...
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THanks tpatti - I still haven't found an App to use yet -
There's just too many - with no details what they do other than add filters,, so it's just frustrating for now.

I'm starting to wonder if this is a Location Issue with some services -
The ones who do have the resize app tend to be on the East Coast.

So far those of US up in North Central - Minnesota, dead center of the US - we might be required to pay extra - typical perhaps.

Many Thanks to the Crew Here -
I hope it didn't require too much therapy putting up with me - other than Happy Hour...

I'm not sure if you've had an Android before, but if you're just coming from an iPhone might I suggest getting used to the idea of downloading other apps to do basic functions. Might be a hassle at first, but the rewards are usually well worth it.

Just another thing that makes Android, Android...
I'm not sure if you've had an Android before, but if you're just coming from an iPhone might I suggest getting used to the idea of downloading other apps to do basic functions.
Might be a hassle at first, but the rewards are usually well worth it.

Just another thing that makes Android, Android...
You are right - this is my first break away from a kids toy the last 4 years.
The issue I have - I want the best app at top of list - I don't care what it costs.
Seeing 200 apps related - Insane.
You are right - this is my first break away from a kids toy the last 4 years.
The issue I have - I want the best app at top of list - I don't care what it costs.
Seeing 200 apps related - Insane.

Ah, but you've come to the right place for that issue. For specific actions or capabilities, ask for recommendations and people here will be happy to share their thoughts. Like best email app or replacement for the Gallery app.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD