[Release][ROM] Krunked by Team Fusion

How about some pics of this masterpiece???dancedroid
I didn't realize this was a rom at first. Why don't you have it the Rom Section?

If I can quit flashing for theming, I want to come back and try this out for ya!

Congrats! Cakes and I need to makes girly theme for it right away! LOL
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Updated Cold Fusion with new Gmail.apk.
it is in the theme section to keep fusion together plus gives time to get established. Blue energy should be done today. not like in previous attempts of trying to add more blue i am sticking with the original design with a cpl small tweeks.
just did a minor update flashlight now works and now has led color modification in settings. and theming you have done should still work fine d/l still in op
there has been an update pushed december 6th and in same instance a new twitter has been released i still cannot get the twitter app. has something to do with the fingerprint in build prop, and since i am new to the game having hard time getting the right combo, to make twitter show in market again. but there will be an update soon that does affect framework. so if you have themed the rom apps will be fine but framework will need to be re themed.

if anyone knows of a new rom since the update pushed that gets the new twitter plz let me know so i can modify my fingerprint to get twitter back.

but all and all how is the rom working for others i have had no problems with it at all. but then again i am flashing newer makes so fast i am not getting a chance to o/c. or try other features other then what i use.

If you would like to test out the new market there is a trick to make it work. requires a file manager i use root explorer.

goto /system/apps
mount rw
scroll down to Vending.apk rename Vending.apk.bak
mount ro

then flash this

let phone boot up and new market will be installed

here is the op to make new market work
http://www.droidforums.net/forum/actngrezy/105369-market-update-if-your-having-fcs-follow.html Thnx to the original poster
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Thanks for the heads up on the market.
Soon to be a new release this time some new changes will be seen
one of the other members of fusion is working on inc rom i am unsure if that member has a release date in mind. i am sticking with the phone i got once i update i will move on to the new phone format. but i am very happy with droid 1.

as far as themes i couldn't tell you but we do got very talented people in the team so anything is possible
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one of the other members of fusion is working on inc rom i am unsure if that member has a release date in mind. i am sticking with the phone i got once i update i will move on to the new phone format. but i am very happy with droid 1.

as far as themes i couldn't tell you but we do got very talented people in the team so anything is possible

Oh, I'm not really concerned about the themes. The likelihood is that the themes for the D1 will also work on the Dinc. version of your rom, but I need a Dinc specific rom to start with.

Going to try to get Krunked on tonight or tomorrow. Got to girl it up a bit first.dancedroid
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lemme know what you think i got one minor thing i am working on then full promotions will go out. with new release to everyone. the stucture of settings has been totally redone
Jason your rom is running smooth as butter for me. I really love it! Been playing and checking out stuff all night.

dancedroidEXCELLENT work! You should be very proud!dancedroid

This is a screenie running the New Krunked,lol
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well ty i am glad everything is working good for you. and what we talked about with launchers is already in motion.

op link has been updated with upto date release a couple new addons hope you can find all the new stuff lol

no longer has krunked papers removed to save space now mounts sd at flash and adds wallpaper folder to sdcard <~~just one of the few new changes

i think now need to add credits thanks to pete for nice incorperation of performance tweaks
thanks to cvpcs for performance addons very nice flow with petes performance tweaks

check it out hope all have same results i and couple others are getting
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