Reliable earbuds?


Aug 28, 2010
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Are there any earbuds out there that actually last for more than a month? My Jawbreakers broke themselves for the second time.

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I have a $19 earpollution earbuds from best buy...sound is not AmAzInG, but its cheap and hasnt failed me yet. Even with poweramp's equalizer pumping out louder than the phone can normally go.
im a ac/mechanic and prolly listen to my buds 5 or 6 hours a day every day i love my music after my cheap ipod standard buds broke like 4 times i moved to about a 30$ pair of sony and they broke ran through 3 of them tried some other brands and same thing they would fall apart or the bud would just die and no sound my buddy told me to try sennheiser buds and man these afe they best things ive ever bought had the for over a year now and im hard on them they usually beat around in my pocket with my screw driver and other tools and they are still kickin.. and they sound GREAT well i hope i could help cuz what i went through was a pain in the ***
If you want something pretty cheap, I'd recommend the Zagg Smartbuds. I've had mine for maybe a year and they've been very durable and I really get good sound from them. I don't use the tips that came with them, though. I use Monster SuperTips gel tips, or foam tips depending on my mood and what I'm doing.

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I'm using a pair of skullcandy earbuds that i've been using for literally ever. i think i've had them since my senior year of highschool which was about four years ago. bought them for about twenty bucks and the sound is great.
After reading a bunch of reviews online, I decided to go with Klipsch, picked them up at Best Buy. Not cheap...but sound fantastic.
+1 for the Klipsch!!!
I ride a bike with a 4 to 1 Kerker exhaust and these things keep the outside noise out and the good sound in. You won’t believe what you haven’t been hearing once you try a set of these!!
Klipsch S4's have amazing sound quality for about 80$

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To put it into perspective, the reviews I read placed the sound quality of Klipsch S4's in the same category as $2-400 earphones. They're that good. :)
I broke so many earbuds by getting the wire snagged on something that this time I got a Motorola Bluetooth S305 for $55. They sound pretty good and I can play/pause, forward/previous track, and answer calls.

Only negative is sometimes when I'm outside and my phone is in my left rear pocket the bluetooth can hiccup and interrupt the music/call. Think it has to due with line of sight from the phone to the headphones. Doesn't happen too often though. Better than buying a new pair of wired earbuds every 2 months.
Well I have the LG HBS-700 IT cost about 69.00 but they r the best I had yet and sound real good

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Ive been using the Nokia purity's since Christmas of 2011, they have great sound and after using them practically everyday for about 6-7 months they're pretty much still brand new.