Removing uninstalled apps from Market


Feb 15, 2010
Reaction score
Sorry for posting here - but this is current ROM i am running and had a general question. I did not know what words to use to search and what i did search for came back with stuff that was no help.

So..... when you uninstall an app - how do you remove it from your Market list so it does not reinstall/restore when you install a new ROM?

Thanks. I am sure this is simple but it really bugs me when this happens. :)
When I go into settings/privacy and make sure that "Backup My Data" and "Automatic Restore" are checked, only the apps I have installed are re-installed after full wipe install of a new rom. In fact it tends to leave one or two out rather than install apps that were previously uninstalled. YMMV!!
I always skip the login screen by tapping the four corners and restore my apps before I login with my Google account. Sometimes it will install a few extra apps but on this rom its just too easy to delete them so I don't usually mind.

Sent from a galaxy far far away.....
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