Report Experiences with upgrading to ICS and Voodoo OTA Rootkeeper

Voodo worked flawless. I updated the SU binaries first through the SU app deleted my previous su backup, protected root (creating new bu) temp unrooted installed ICS via ota, restored root. Done
Trying to ensure I do this right when the time comes. I'm rooted with OTA rootkeeper and 2.3.6 GB. Should I wait until I get notified of the update, temp unroot with rootkeeper, install the update, then restore root? Will I see the ICS update while I'm rooted, or should I unroot now while waiting on the update?
Voodo worked flawless. I updated the SU binaries first through the SU app deleted my previous su backup, protected root (creating new bu) temp unrooted installed ICS via ota, restored root. Done

I think this is where I messed up. I didnt update it or delete the backup and it didnt take when I tried to restore root. I had to use some ICS root method I found on xda.
Worked great for me! I'm using my hacked hotspot to test it right now. I'm glad that this thread was posted cause I did not want to re-flash to unroot.
It worked perfectly for me, although at first I forgot to defrost my frozen apps, don't forget to do that haha
But since I updated Antek hasn't really been working, so I only got a couple things frozen again
Well, I unfroze my frozen apps, backed up root with the latest Rootkeeper, and then unrooted. The OTA was waiting for me immediately, so I downloaded it and installed it without troubles. Yay!

Rootkeeper would not let me restore my backed up root! Booo!

However, Matt's 1.7 Utility restored my root with ICS without difficulties! Yay again!

Rootkeeper worked for the various Gingerbread updates Verizon's OTA sent my way, but it failed with ICS. It wound up not really being a hassle anyway.

I have yet to find a method to root my razr. None of Matt's Utilities will work on my phone for some reason -_-
Hey guys hope I am not bumping an old thread but wanted to post my experiences Re: Voodoo Rootkeeper and ICS update.

I updated this morning to ICS. After I checked here and a few more threads I used Titanium Backup to restore all stock apps and restored as much app information to stock as possible, temp-unrooted with Voodoo and then began the update. First boot up after the update was installed took some time, and for a bit my phone actually acted worse. After about 10 minutes it seemed to begin to run smoother, and I began to really be able to check to see if root had been maintained. Attempted to restore root at first via Voodoo allowed root to be restored but without one check box (Root permissions granted) to be filled. A short while later this box was filled (not sure exactly what happened as I have no clue what I did), and upon rebooting the phone came to with full root permissions and alll previous root settings.

As many have pointed out on other areas of the Web WiFi Tether (Google Play (AKA Android Market)) does not work with new update due to 'ad hoc' error, however I have found that SQLite hack + stock tethering app seems to work after a bit of a delay of being able to connect to the Internet. Although it has been only maybe 30 minutes of having ICS I can report that (on the originall RAZR at least) it appears to be more 'snappy' than previous builds.

again sorry if I am ressurecting an old thread but I found previous little regarding OTA Voodoo Rootkeeper and ICS, I hope that this information helps.
I upgraded to ICS with this exact setup, however now my computers won't recognize my phone when I plug it in via USB, either in Storage or MTP mode. I've installed the latest Motorola Device Manager Drivers. Stumped.
Ok, my problem was the usb cable... I was using a standard usb micro. I tried it again with my included motorola usb cable and now it works.