[Request] Need someone to port Avalon to Li


Dec 8, 2009
Reaction score
We really need someone with the knowhow to port Avalon from Sapphire 1.1.1 to Li NG.5!

Li is definitely my ROM of choice, but Avalon currently is only for Sapphire 1.1.1. I've installed it and the theme is *rockin'*!!!
There is one thing that is nice about Sapphire - the Gem settings. From in there, you can set CPU scaling governor, max and min speeds, it has it's own built-in graphic equalizer for headset/bluetooth/phone speaker, and some built-in tweaks for the notification bar, and all those things are really nice, but even given the amount of awesome stuff that Sapphire has, I still love Li Mod's speed and responsiveness, and especially my 50+ hour battery life from a single charge - I'm close with Sapphire/Avalon at 46+, but there's just something particularly AWESOME about getting over 50 hours from a single charge, and so far, only Li has done that for me.

Anyway, anyone out there familiar with the Theme Porter over at XDA?
It's a bit over my head, even though it's supposed to be easy - my biggest thing is that I don't have a lot of spare time, so there's no way I could devote a couple hours to doing this.

And, I'm SURE there are people here in the Li forum that would love to have Avalon on their Li-Mod phones!

Patience guys patience. Avalon is still in the open beta stage. Once finalized it will ne available for multiple ROMs.
Well i just recently came across avalon (droid-life) and i like it. I am all for clean, yet funtional themes.

I am currently running a variation of the galaxy s theme and i would like to get into the winter mood (finally) with some white :D

I'll do my very best to make a complete rom (update.zip) that follows what jrummy so wonderfully does within the next few days :D

One thing i wont port unless there is crazy demmand for it are all the various widgets and apps that i dont use (talk, youtube, facebook, etc) - imo they are fine the way they are for the frequency that i access them.

So keep your hopes up and your eyes peeled avalon lovers :D
So avalon is all ported over :D

working on uploading now - stuck at work =/

one thing that needs attentions is the font color. I put this over a stock theme so the fonts are at times white over white and one cannot read.