rMoD Series Kernels

Problem with wifi. Wont connect
Pete's stock GB 14 Rom. 1000mh. Other than that, nice. Any ideas about a fix for me?

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Problem with wifi. Wont connect
Pete's stock GB 14 Rom. 1000mh. Other than that, nice. Any ideas about a fix for me?

Sent from my Droid using DroidForums App

idk if this zip wipes any existing modules but the wifi module might not be loaded... try removing unneeded modules. like tun or ext if they exist.

i herd that some times wifi doesn't work with kernels because too many modules, or not enough room idk.
Sorry been busy, thanks poontab for adding the link, will bring the thread over to DF when I have the time...

Bassman1547, id go with jeffv2's suggestion...might even just try to flash the kernel again. I haven't tried that rom yet but ill download and see if it works for me in a little bit
2 days with Juiced & I'm sitting pretty. Very low temps; even while charging.
2 days with Juiced & I'm sitting pretty. Very low temps; even while charging.

I tried the Juiced 1.1Ghz yesterday after pootab posted the link -- same experience here, running on SmartMoD governor. Wifi and wifi tethering have been working perfectly for me. Really really nice kernel!!


By the way, I looked here and at MyDroidWorld, for a donate link. Do you not have one, CorCor? If not, you defnitely should!
Has anyone had any problems with swiftkey, like it seems like it slows down a little, it happened when i installed juiced kernels...
2 days with Juiced & I'm sitting pretty. Very low temps; even while charging.

I tried the Juiced 1.1Ghz yesterday after pootab posted the link -- same experience here, running on SmartMoD governor. Wifi and wifi tethering have been working perfectly for me. Really really nice kernel!!


By the way, I looked here and at MyDroidWorld, for a donate link. Do you not have one, CorCor? If not, you defnitely should!

Thanks! Glad you like them :) No I don't have a donate link up, did with my theme many months ago untill I received a pm from a mod stating he had removed them because I'm not official. I do this for fun & share because I feel it may benifit the android community :) I appreciate the offer but would suggest donating to RaidZero or Erasemux, if you still feel the need I have some AudioManager Pro skins in the market, search "pub:corcor67". If that still doesn't do it for you there is a donation link on my blog... corcor67.blogspot.com

Sonicfreak360: I haven't come across this problem but I also don't have the app :) You said you're using the juiced kernels, they are verry low voltage...I expected to see people having issues with them. You might consider giving one of the ones in the op here a try to see if that solves the issue, they still give great battery life

Darvos: Much appreciated :) Thanks for helping test! I still need to get ya a 1250 for this set to test for me

Bassman1547: Did you get your problem fixed? I was tied up and didn't get to loading petes rom yesterday (2 kids keep me pretty busy). Noticed pete updated the rom
oh hey CorCor .. please feel free to post these in my section also. i was gonna make a linked thread but i think it would look better if you did it then i can sticky it too...

awesome! thanks for this :)

i'm gonna check these out tomorrow first thing! i've been waiting patiently for someone to take advantage of the smart..um...mod governor lol
